What happened after the wedding? We went visiting with a little shopping and dining in Houston. Come with us to my old stomping ground in Clear Lake. (I never thought I’d call it that.) Warning: this is a long blog, so settle in with a cuppa first. There’s lots to tell.
Hello, again, Dear Readers:
Welcome to our three days of winter in the south. It’s COLD! And it will be for three days or so. Wrap your pipes, make sure you have everything you need in case the worst happens, and stay warm.
I’ve had some nice feedback on the blog post about Rafael and Carmen’s beautiful wedding. I greatly appreciate the comments, and glad everyone enjoyed it—especially Rafael and Carmen!
Raf was a little nervous about what I was planning to write. I mean, the only complaint is there was no complaint, am I right? I told him that it was not going to be a “hit piece.” That wasn’t my intention. Then I had to explain the term “hit piece” so Raf understood what I meant.
So let me tell you about the rest of our trip, finally.
Confession: Our Earlier Trip
In 2019, we took a one-day trip to Willis, TX, north of Conroe. We didn’t mention it because we weren’t able to visit anyone. It was a Saturday, and of course, traffic was typical for Houston any day of the week.
To keep this blog on point, I may describe it more in a separate blog post on its own. There were stops in The Woodlands, and a missed opportunity or two. But that quick trip influenced this five-day trip, including the planning.
So let’s go back to The Bayou City in The Lone Star State.
Friday, November 4, 2022
After a few hours’ drive and a couple of stops for fuel and coffee, we got to Beaumont and stopped in a Stuckey’s.

BF particularly enjoyed this one.
I’ll describe the snafu over lunch later, but one thing we did get was some delicious Tex-Mex in the Katy location of Chuy’s. First up, hot chips and salsa:

It tastes like home.
And an eyeful of the incredible colorful décor:

Isn’t that amazing?
And this:

More amazing decor, even though it’s brown
Because you don’t get this kind of décor in Louisiana. Seriously, nobody knows how to use color, and everything is so BROWN. Everything was a feast for the eyes, including this brown pattern:

Love this for the kitchen
This too would make a nice kitchen floor:

Or maybe in the back of the house
This is also incredible:

This amazing tile would also be great as a backsplash
I wanted to take it all home with me, seriously. There was some lovely artwork around, although I don’t remember exactly where they were hanging in the restaurant:
Oh, what did we have? Me, a salad, BF, fajitas, which is a frequent order when we’re in anywhere Mexican.

But there was plenty for later in the evening, so no need to leave the comfortable hotel room.
Now to convince BF that just a little bit of this kind of color would go a long way in the Casa’s Cocina (kitchen) or anywhere in the house. I’m thinking of a nice backsplash.
Sunday, November 6, 2022
As I mentioned in the last blog post, we had breakfast the next day with one of the groomsmen from Austin. He and BF continued their conversation about the Texas Military before we said our goodbyes. The Katy Hampton Inn had wonderful amenities, and the staff was very helpful.

Lovely lobby seating
However, all we had time for was the free Wi-Fi and the wonderful breakfast spread downstairs:

The Breakfast Suite
It was available from early morning until about 10:00 am or 11:00 am with all kinds of tasty choices:
And delicious coffee and tea:
BF liked the idea of some freshly made hot waffles, but the seasonal Pumpkin Spice flavor didn’t appeal to him. As much as he enjoys cooking breakfast for us at home, he was happy that someone cooked breakfast for him this time. Well, except for his waffles, which he made himself in a minute at the breakfast bar.

He was really glad I booked us at The Hampton Inn.
Once we packed up everything, gathered up our luggage, and checked out of the lovely Katy Hampton Inn, it was time to hop back on the I-10/Katy Freeway and move on to Clear Lake, 50 miles away. On the trek down the Katy Freeway to the Gulf Freeway (I-45 South), BF began to understand why I booked the hotels as I did.
Heading South
Although we did get to see Neighbor E on this trip, it wasn’t on Sunday. I knew where our next hotel was, the Extended Stay on NASA 1. It is literally right across the street from NASA, where we planned to be tourists. (More on that later.) We were interested in lunch, and E suggested Rudy’s Real Texas BBQ in the area.

Simple and rustic
Well, it’s been seven years since I lived in Clear Lake, and so much has changed. This lovely place is in what used to be Pappadeux Seafood Kitchen, a “New Orleans-style” restaurant that was there until Hurricane Harvey took it out. Took a few harried calls with E, but he kindly and patiently told us how to get there. We were not disappointed.


Brisket! (Stairway to heaven, or enlightenment)

More chicken
It’s a friendly place with some really tasty barbecue.
Our Clear Lake hotel check-in wasn’t until later in the day, so we took our time at Rudy’s. After making another phone call, we headed towards Manvel, TX.
Visiting Aunt Ruth
Aunt Ruth lives in a little old-fashioned house with a big garage. She has a lovely outdoor garden area with lots of plants.

I so want to have a little seating area at the Casa de Rurale like this!
And a cute little kitty!
After reading and hearing about him for seven years, I finally got to introduce Aunt Ruth to BF in person when we visited her.

I haven’t seen her since leaving Boeing, I think, or maybe shortly thereafter. We’ve kept in touch, of course, but it’s just not the same thing.

During our visit, Aunt Ruth gave me a piece of her Hummingbird plant, which I put in a water bottle for the rest of the trip.

The Hummingbird Plant
She said, “you can’t hurt it.” So far, so good, and it stayed in that water bottle for months. I put it in the kitchen window until I planted it in a paint bucket last fall.
After a nice visit, we made our way back to NASA Road 1, or NASA One as it’s now called, and checked into our room. It wasn’t like the Hampton Inn. There was a Hampton Inn down the road, and we could have booked it there, but BF didn’t care where we stayed. Wish I’d booked there, but, well, next time.
And I finally told her why I call her “Aunt Ruth.” Because she was always like the “aunt” in the office as was Aunt Kathy (who we also visited, keep reading.) So, they became “aunts” to me over time, along with one or two others at Boeing, even though we aren’t actually related. It’s nothing more than that.
Monday, November 7, 2022
We slept pretty well in the new hotel. We’d hoped to make a couple of other visits on Monday, but they weren’t available due to another commitment that week. Breakfast was, well, markedly different than our prior hotel:

Not like the first hotel, that’s for sure.
There was oatmeal, muffins, coffee, hot chocolate, and tea. Not much else. There was a Starbucks right next door, so I headed there for some egg bites. BF was OK with a muffin, and I got him some hot chocolate packets, too.
This was the day after the Houston Astros won the 2022 World Series. Lots of people had the day off from work and school, but we didn’t realize that at the time. With no other plan, we headed to the Houston headquarters of Swedishness, IKEA. It was about an hour’s drive from Clear Lake, just like I remembered.
BF’s Inner Swede
I wanted to take BF on a trip to IKEA as a “fact-finding mission.” In other words, to see what was there, what kind of thing is available, get some ideas for later, and of course, pick up a few small house things for the Casa de Rurale. It wasn’t a busy day, plenty of parking, and there were about as many employees as customers. If you’ve ever been to an IKEA store, you know how big the place is, and why it wasn’t crowded on a Monday afternoon. The best time to go is on a weekday, middle of the day.

I was so happy to see these again!
But first, we went straight upstairs for lunch in the café. We had our blue shopping bags with us, but still got the yellow bags and a cart. It was here that BF began his journey into getting in touch with his inner Swede:

He’s got *that* look
That look is everything, isn’t it? And we were greeted by this nice man:

Meet Keith
Saw all the wonderful things for lunch:

Everything on the menu


Hot and fresh!
And the refrigerated case:

Doesn’t that croissant look delicious?
And desserts:

Delicious Swedish-style desserts
Ultimately, BF enjoyed some of IKEA’s famous Swedish meatballs:
While I went with the slightly safer salmon lunch and a salad:
And we might have accidentally picked up some chocolate desserts, too:
But we were on vacation, so that doesn’t count, right? Especially with all the walking we did that day.
The Zoo At the Casa De Rurale
The whole time, our hired pet sitter sent us pictures every day of our zoo animals, like this one:

He’s still this weird.
Thankfully, the only thing that happened was that the power did go out on one occasion. She texted us and asked, and yes, it happens. The power was back on in an hour or two, and everything was fine.
Highlights From Our IKEA Shopping
One thing I wanted to look at was the china cabinets to house the stuff I’ve had since the 80s and 90s that’s packed and rarely been used. We didn’t buy one, but we could have, and we will later.

This one in white is the ideal. But I wish it came in that burnished red color.
The one I wanted isn’t big enough, and the one that’s big enough doesn’t come in the color I wanted. (The ones I see locally in stores and on FB Marketplace are, shall we say, not to my style.) We’ll get it eventually, right?
I bought my own Tarno patio set about 2006 or 2007, and used it frequently on the back patio at El Dorado Trace:

I miss sitting out on the back patio, but we’ll be using this set again one day.
Nice to know this is still around, and I still have my set, too. When I bought mine, it was $40 for the table and two chairs. No kidding. It’s in the living room, folded up. One day, when the patio is cleared off and it doesn’t look like an outdoor auto shop, we might be able to have breakfast or dinner out there when the weather’s good. I did buy a new set of cushions for it during our visit.
A few years later, I bought an extra chair one day when one of the original chairs lost a bolt. BF says he’ll fix that for us one day.

I want one!
This had a sign nearby that the dresser you see had been painted–customized, I think it said–and did not come with the Texas design already painted on. But why not?
I did purchase these for the kitchen, although they are no longer available at IKEA. They are a wrapped pair of canvas wall hangings, and I just love them:
They were a pair for an inexpensive price. Like many things in IKEA, they’re there and gone, so you need to get it while you’re there or you’ll miss out. I only found one pair on eBay, and they are much more expensive, especially since the seller is outside the US.
There were room settings and displays like this throughout the huge store:

BF particularly liked that style of table and chair.

So enviously neat
But there were some utility things I bought, too, like a few more of these small bowls and one of the medium-sized:

These steel bowls are awesome.
The smaller ones are great for storing little things in the fridge and for mis en place. Finally I have a few more.
I’ve had one of these small Koncis roasting pans for years, and finally, I have a second one:

The perfect size for a countertop oven or anytime.
We also found a small steel roasting rack for the barbecue so we can roast vegetables too.
I really, REALLY thought about getting yet another French press:

They’re lovely, but I didn’t need or buy any. This time.
But I didn’t. Nor did I get one of these, much as I wanted it and knew I’d never use it:

Isn’t it fab?
With rows and racks of wonderful Swedish kitchen and home things, it’s easy to pick up lots of wonderful things on your way out:
Nevermind how much we spent.
More Lovely Things
My eyes just couldn’t get enough, as I did before when I could go to IKEA regularly.
This wouldn’t last long at the Casa de Rurale with two prowling cats and a huge, rambunctious dog:
Nor would this, lovely as it is:
This is actually a wall hanging, part of a set of five, I think. Much as I loved it, I passed, because I don’t think we’ll ever have a place for all that.

Isn’t it fabulous? I only wanted this one.
Still, I keep hoping that the neat, organized appearance of IKEA’s many rooms and room settings would inspire BF to become more of a neatnik. It hasn’t worked yet, but we keep trying.
The living room area could benefit from a credenza like this, maybe even two of them:
The dresser would look great anywhere:
Finally, BF embraces his inner Swedishness:

Fully in touch with his inner Swede now.
In all seriousness, it was indeed a long visit to this place, but he now understands why I think IKEA is a big deal. BF’s sister and her husband live in the vicinity of Atlanta’s IKEA and brought back many things for their father’s house, including furniture and supplies to do a modern renovation to the kitchen several years ago. Now, having visited and seen an IKEA store for himself, he gets it.
Guess what? I can go by myself one day, to either Houston or Memphis, no kidding. From the Casa de Rurale, I can drive five hours in either direction, right to IKEA, buy whatever I want, and drive back when I’m done. I can, but I just prefer not to go alone. It’s an all-day affair and involves driving ten hours if I don’t book a hotel. But knowing I can do that is great, even though it’s for another day. I’ve never been to the Memphis IKEA, but The E-Man has.
After 3.5 or more hours in the Houston IKEA, our purchases in tow, (just some small house things, no furniture) we walked out and back into the parking lot. Everything we bought fit in this bag, which they no longer sell.

Everything we need!
Stashing our purchases under the back seat, we considered our next move.
Top Brass Military
After that long visit to IKEA, BF decided it was time for him to do some manly shopping. A quick Google search told him that we were just a few miles from a military surplus store, which is his ideal shopping trip. So off we went.
You can imagine how much of a 180-turn this was, but I didn’t mind. BF likes to remind me that he took me to see both Downton Abbey films in the theater, watched one or two other movies he wasn’t interested in, and took me to other places like:
- Sur la Table (in Baton Rouge, once)
- Trader Joe’s (multiple times to Baton Rouge, once in The Woodlands, TX)
- Whole Foods
- Joann Fabrics
- Five Below
- The Container Store (in Clear Lake, we went there, too, keep reading)
As well as other places unrelated to automotive parts and services, hunting and fishing, military surplus, high-end restaurants, and Walmart. Therefore, I owed it to him to take him somewhere he wanted to go. After departing IKEA, I agreed to this condition. Somehow, he knew it was there. A little while later, we pulled into the parking lot at Top Brass Military on the I-45 North Freeway, soothing his yearning for some manly shopping.
It was a bit of a ride from I-10 to I-610 North then I-45 North to get there, but we made it safely. I had to drive, because, well, it’s still “my turf.” Not only was it a different kind of treat, but it was also most interesting from the moment I put the truck into “park.” Top Brass is a place that is, shall we say, eclectic.
It’s that kind of place.
The Parking Lot
This is what they have hanging around outside:
And this:
And this:

I don’t know what this is.
Inside was an eye-popping display of all kinds of wonderful things, like this:
And this:
And this:

I brought home the top one, and it hangs on the door of the back room/office.
Mind you, these wonderful wall hangings were a bit out of our range this time around. I know BF wants to go back and get at least one of them. For now, we settled for a cloth Texas flag, which hangs on my office door, and a cloth Gadsen flag, which is currently without a place. But we almost bought a couple of these, too:
We found some great Navy Seabee things, too, which made BF as happy as I was in IKEA.
But if we’re going to Top Brass again in the future, there will also be a trip to IKEA. No getting around that, I don’t care if we do go to Top Brass first. That will be the day we go in a U-Haul, or rent one of their lockable trailers.
The Container Store
After leaving Top Brass, we headed south to our hotel. Back in Clear Lake, I asked for a trip to The Container Store in Baybrook Mall for a few things we needed. Yes, we did.
Clear Lake never used to have one, and I ended up going to the one in town or The Woodlands. The Baybrook Mall location opened two months after I moved away. I keep asking them on social media to open a store in Baton Rouge; nothing yet. (The Sur la Table store in Baybrook closed during the pandemic, along with Baton Rouge and others.)
BF walked around a couple of other places while I visited CS and met me when he was finished. Next door to CS is REI, the outdoor store, and Duluth Trading is at the end of the building, so you know where he went. (I didn’t make it into Duluth Trading but have bought from them online.)
BF’s only experience with CS was seeing Jay Leno talk about it one day on TV. Leno’s routine went something like this:
“My wife took me to the Container Store the other day. Have you ever been to one of these places? They sell empty boxes. No kidding, they sell empty boxes. I saw one woman opening different boxes. I said to her, ‘Ma’am, I’m pretty sure that one’s empty too.’”
This is what BF had in mind when I told him I wanted to go. He had no exposure other than that routine and some things I ordered online three years ago for the house.
While BF was elsewhere, I looked and soaked in all the storage and organization solutions, picking up a few small things and sending him pictures of the storage solutions. But there was one item we needed and I’d planned to get from Amazon: a container for spaghetti with a built-in portion measure. I asked for it, and they showed it to me.

The answer to your pantry prayers!
Really, it was a “shut up and take my money” moment. BF had a huge round container in the pantry since long before I got here. It took up way too much room, was not airtight, and he cooked too much spaghetti at once, usually the whole box. Then he wondered why he was out of spaghetti again. THIS fixed that problem.

Much better.
It’s easy to measure and make one, two, or three servings, you see what you have, and the top gives you exactly what you need.

Really–cook just the right amount with no guesswork.
This one also holds a few boxes of spaghetti neatly with a small footprint in the pantry. Immediately, I washed it, let it air dry completely, and filled it with his spaghetti. Now, BF cooks just enough for one serving, or two if he’s making some for lunch the next day.
Of course, my honey did not initially see this as a necessary purchase. But since I brought it home and deployed it, he understands why I bought one and agrees that it’s a good thing.
I also got this Angry Mama microwave steam cleaner (which CS no longer carries.)

I know, it should have red hair.
And, honestly, it works great. I thought I picked up the one with red hair, but got the blonde model by mistake.
Lucky me, the cashier in CS was a very nice lady, and after talking about my accounts (I had two), it turned out that I had a $10 coupon available to use. Nice! When you’re signed up for their loyalty program, both online and in-store purchases are recorded in one place.
Back to the Hotel
Once we made it to base camp, I contacted Aunt Kathy, and we arranged to meet up for dinner at. . .Denny’s. No kidding, Denny’s on Bay Area Boulevard, near the Boeing building. I thought of Denny’s because it was close, and we could probably hang out there for a while and nobody would care. I was right, they didn’t care, and we had plenty of time to catch up. There were only a few folks out that night, and the place closed at midnight, so we stayed and chatted for quite a while.

Finally got to see Aunt Kathy again. (Not the best picture, I know.)
I haven’t seen Aunt Kathy in many moons, and I was so glad to see her. And, Aunt Kathy also got to finally meet BF, who was his usual jovial self. We talked about everything, just like we did before. Very glad we got to meet up, even if it was Denny’s. Never discount places like Denny’s, you know?
Before we returned to the hotel, we ducked into Kroger on El Dorado, a couple of miles from Denny’s to grab some frozen breakfast for the next morning. Oatmeal packets weren’t going to cut it this time.
Incidentally, I still have an active Kroger account, and I can order goods to be shipped here. There is even a record of that grocery trip on their website, including everything we bought that night.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
We decided to go across the street and be NASA tourists. I’ve been to Space Center Houston a couple of times myself, but BF hasn’t had the opportunity.
We were ready! It was right across the street from our hotel, too.
Well, it will have to be next time. There was a power outage in the area, which included NASA and our hotel. So, we had to pass up being space tourists. But we took a few pictures:

That’s actually a mock-up of a shuttle.
It was warm that November day.
We had already arranged to meet with Neighbor E later in the day, so we had some time on our hands. Lost for ideas, I took BF to my favorite Half Price Books store off NASA Road 1.

One of my favorite places, and favorite websites, too. (DARNIT!)
Oh, the hours I’ve spent in that store, and in its previous location on Egret Bay Boulevard, where they had a resident cat. We prowled through the shelves of books, DVDs, and music, picking up a few things to take home. That included one of their branded reusable shopping bags.
Since moving here, I’ve bought some books from the website, including recently. But it was great to be there in person and spend a little time looking for new and interesting things. Not much has changed except the people and the stock.
We also stopped in the shiny new HEB located on Eastfield near I-45 in Webster, just a couple of miles from El Dorado Trace. We made two trips here during our stay.

It’s everything an HEB needs!!!
Darn it! I always wished they would put one closer to us in the twelve years I lived there. When I moved there in 2004, that tract of land was grass. Now it has high-end apartments, a Costco, lots more stores, and of course, this new HEB, along with a large increase in traffic. I wanted to see the place and do some shopping for the Casa de Rurale.
This store is smaller than the one up the road on Clear Lake City Boulevard, but just as fantastic. Oh, the lovely things they had this day:

They still make incredibly beautiful cakes.
More cakes:

And one for the Astros:

Baseball, anyone?
All manner of tasty things:

Some of the produce section

Everything screams, “Take me home!”

You never have to cook again!
All the coffee and tea you could ever want:

Coffee anyone?
Have you ever seen a six-pound round of queso fresco?

This very nearly made it into the basket!
The most I can get here is a three-pound round if you’re lucky.

One of my favorite cheeses. It would have lasted me a while. Maybe.
You have no idea how close I came to buying $36 worth of cheese in one piece. And I’m sure Aunt Kathy is laughing at me as she’s reading this.
We have new baskets at Winn-Dixie but they’re definitely not like this:

Get a load of this baby
I know, I know. . .it’s getting better here, slowly. But I really would do a grocery run at least to Orange or Beaumont to shop at HEB more often.
Texas Decor
HEB also has wonderful Texas décor:
It’s made by a company called Timber Image, and I now follow them on Instagram.
I can’t tell you how much I wanted to load it ALL up in the truck, along with these lovely things:
I’m not sure who makes the rest of these, but I would definitely make room for them:

One day I’ll have the Texas star on the front of the house. I don’t care what BF says.
Because Texas. Of course, I couldn’t leave without this very fashionable item:

Isn’t it fab??
To wear every Christmas until either it falls apart or I’m gone. (Yes, I wore it this past Christmas, too.) The picture doesn’t show the true color, it’s a bit off. In front of you, the color is absolutely beautiful.
Of course, being in an Extended Stay, we also had a small but complete kitchen. We bought some of HEB’s ready-to-heat meals, including breakfast. This way we could have meals at the hotel instead of heading out to Starbucks or somewhere. It was perfect. Hampton Inn also has a fridge and microwave, but not a full kitchen like Extended Stay.
Lunch with Neighbor E
We finally got to visit Neighbor E today after seven years of being away. Since (reluctantly) moving here in 2016, E and I have talked on the phone, even had a Zoom call once, emailed, texted, and messaged on Instagram. We can do that anytime and do that too. But after seven years, BF and I were very glad to visit with him in person.
When I called him, Neighbor E suggested meeting at La Madeleine, which, thankfully, is still in the same place on Bay Area Boulevard, right off I-45.

Still there, even though so many other spots in that strip mall have changed.
BF has never been to La Madeleine, but he acclimated just fine. But the best part was getting to hang out with Neighbor E for a little while.
We had lots to talk about. Didn’t get pictures of what the guys had, but I had this wonderful cool salad:
E’s retired now, sort of, and he goes out to different Houston eateries with his sister D. I’m thinking about a blog post on their travels.
I hugged him before we left, hoping we’ll get to see each other again one day.
Before heading back to the hotel, I took BF on a short tour of a few places in my old stomping ground, like the Freeman Library I loved to visit:

Another one of my favorite haunts. We didn’t go in, though.
And a quick trip by the Boeing building, which I’m told is quite less populated than it was when we worked there:
We also stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts on Bay Area Boulevard, where used to enjoy visiting for free and discounted iced coffee after they opened. I even rode there on my bike occasionally, putting the cup in the attached cupholder. But as E said, they aren’t a great place to visit anymore. The kid at the counter said they didn’t do decaf iced coffee. Even the ones here make it, but. . .I guess he was busy with something else. We left and never returned. I’ll stick with the one in Covington, if I ever go down there again.
I was disappointed to discover that Café Express was gone from Clear Lake, and only the in-town locations remain. They had curbside delivery back when I worked at Boeing. I’d occasionally order online and pick up on my way home when I was just too tired. You just ordered on the website, paid for it online, drove there, called them from your car, and they brought it out to you. They had the best sweet potato fries and a Ceasar salad that was just awesome with grilled shrimp.
Starbucks on El Dorado and Gatebrook
Then there was another Starbucks visit, this time in my old neighborhood. It’s fairly new, and opened in the last year or so I was there.
Long before I moved here, I wanted to get the Houston version of Starbucks’s “YOU ARE HERE” cups. A stop at the Starbucks on El Dorado at Gatebrook, a couple blocks from El Dorado Trace, took care of that wish.

They only had the “Texas” mugs on display, and the nice barista dug into the cabinet to find a “Houston” mug for me. Greatly appreciated, and I got exactly what I wanted. That location was great for the occasion that I wanted to get out of the condo but not really go anywhere. Free refills on coffee, and I could camp out at a table all afternoon.
I’ve used the cup only once but kept it in the box out of reach for safekeeping. Many thanks to the nice barista who went and found it for me.
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
BF and I began packing everything up Tuesday night, leaving out just what we needed for the next day. Before heading back to the hotel that night, we got some dinner and frozen breakfasts from HEB. We made our plans, and after breakfast and checking out, stopped to see my friends Dave and Holly, about three miles from the hotel. I sent Dave a picture of us and told him we would see him in the morning. This was unplanned but necessary.
Tuesday night I got a message on Facebook Messenger from Dave. He liked to occasionally send me messages just to say Hi. I met him in about 2008 or 2009, and then after he married the very nice Holly, I visited them occasionally. Dave had cancer a couple of times, and this time, it wasn’t letting go. He had been ill for a while, and made repeated trips to MD Anderson Cancer Center.
Somehow, I’d forgotten to get in touch with Dave and Holly beforehand to see when we could visit. Well, he must have known to text me, and I’m forever glad he did.
So, I told BF Tuesday evening that before leaving Houston, we had to go see Dave. “Dave who?” I explained briefly, and that he would understand when we got there. Their house was on the way, and we would see them before heading to HEB, Buc-ee’s, and eastward on I-10.
Visiting Dave & Holly
After texting Dave that we were en route, we rang the doorbell and he answered. BF understood immediately. He had an oxygen tube, which I knew about. We were also greeted by their three Dachshunds (aka “wiener dogs”) and they took over BF’s lap. We stayed a couple of hours with Dave and Holly, who gave us some old dog toys for Broccoli Stirfry to destroy. (He did, one at a time, we didn’t give them to him all at once.)
Dave didn’t get many visitors anymore, and he couldn’t go anywhere. Except the hospital of course. In December he went back to the hospital for a couple of weeks and was released right before Christmas.
On our way out, we chatted with Holly on the front porch for a few minutes, then saddled up for the trip home. Holly thanked us for stopping by to see him and said Dave was glad to see both of us. I wanted to bring something to everyone, but I didn’t know what. Especially for Dave. What’s he going to do with a package of jambalaya mix?
On January 6th Dave posted on Facebook that he would be going into hospice. Three days later, Dave passed away on January 9th. Holly posted the announcement on Facebook. It’s been a year since Dave passed.
I’m really glad we made that visit.
Leaving Houston: The HEB Stop
The main purpose of stopping at the new HEB near El Dorado on the way out was to get some pantry staples and two delicious dinners for when we got home. That is, some of their wonderful chef-prepared Meal Simple dishes to heat and eat after driving for 6 hours.

I think this was BF’s

Or maybe this was his, I don’t remember.
Both were equally good, and there were no complaints. Besides, it’s less or equal to what we would have spent in a restaurant, and we could eat at home in less than half an hour. We don’t get this kind of thing in rural Louisiana, that’s for sure.
Because we like tamales, I also picked up a package of their Mi Tienda brand beef tamales, which we enjoyed later.

These are so good, and are not hot at all.
There are a couple of cold bags in the truck to keep things like that from spoiling, and they worked perfectly for the trip.
But being in HEB, I could not resist walking around and looking at everything–again. It’s a much smaller store than the big Clear Lake Marketplace. We had some delicious samplings, talked to the in-store sommelier (no Red Truck Wine anywhere), and bought mostly dry goods. I finally got more decaf espresso to make cappuccino, too. (It’s in the freezer.)
We talked to so many nice people in HEB and saw all kinds of lovely things. Many of those were also available on my recent trip to Orange in August. But I couldn’t take the whole store home, just enough to get us to the next visit.
Buc-ee’s on the BEAST
That’s the Baytown East Freeway if you’re not familiar with the area. It’s also known as I-10 east towards Beaumont. Houston’s freeways all have alternate names, and you must know them to get around the city. If you ask directions, someone’s going to mention the Katy Freeway, (I-10) the North Freeway, or the Gulf Freeway. (I-45 north and south, respectively.) Don’t forget the Sam Houston Tollway, aka Beltway 8, one of three concentric circles around the city.
Of course, no trip to Texas would be complete without a stop at the world’s most expensive rest stop: Buc-ee’s.
“If you know, you know,” or as they say on social media, #IYKYK. It’s right there on I-10 in Baytown, and there was no way I would pass it up, anyway. Well, we needed petrol anyway, and, well, maybe one or two other things, too, plus some lunch, and I needed coffee for the drive.

Keto and good!
These are not available here, but their Super Coffee product is. I haven’t pursued finding any since we returned. It is made in Austin, is keto, and contains MCT oil. It was great, but I couldn’t get any to take home. Next time.
If you’ve never been in Buc-ee’s, well, it’s big:
We needed some food for the road, and there was plenty:
Yeah, well, we actually did have real food before we started looking at this stuff, honest. We got some delicious Texas brisket.
There was more Texas décor:

Nobody understands the “Farm Road” outside of Texas.
If you want to learn more about the FM Roads in Texas, a/k/a the “Farm To Market” secondary highway system, there is a short explanation on Galveston County’s website.
Many incredible paintings:

Never seen such a regal-looking rooster, have you?
All kinds of Texas things that you know you need:

I should have bought that backpack!

BF would never wear this, no matter how cold he was.
Souvenirs from El Arroyo, Austin’s last queso stop before a bunch of yoga studios:
I see their funny signs posted on Instagram, and was thrilled to get a coffee cup and fridge magnets:

These lovelies grace our fridge.

Naturally, I drink tea out of this one.
I’m still regretting not buying one of these blankets:
I’m sure there will be another time and another trip, right? Or we can just make a day trip to Baytown to shop at Buc-ee’s. Because there’s nothing like it, anywhere. Again, IYKYK.
Heading Home: Back to the Casa
Leaving Buc-ee’s, I said goodbye to my home of 18 years. It’s now home to so many others that I hope appreciate Texas as I do. We had an uneventful trip after that and stopped a couple of times for petrol. The rest stop on the Louisiana side of the Sabine River had some coffee for me and Coke for BF and included warnings about alligators. That’s OK, I stayed inside the building.
We pulled into the Casa de Rurale driveway at about 7:00 pm, and it was much chillier at home than Houston was that morning. I didn’t mind that part after a few days of summer heat in November. The dogs were happy to see us, and the cats were, as always, indifferent. The pet sitter left the key on the table by the door, and we gave her a good rating. We picked up several days of mail and looked around at the damage from Broccoli Stirfry, which was considerable. Other than that, everything was just fine.
I called my “aunties” and let them know we were home safely back at the Casa de Rurale, and texted Neighbor E as well. BF’s brother stopped by a little later, and they had a chat about everything. He looked in on the dogs in the evening, let them out and kept watch while we were gone, in addition to the sitter we hired. They talk and text all the time. But after we got everything out of the truck, well, then it was time for unpacking, laundry and cooking our delicious HEB dinners. I let them have their conversation while I took the laundry to the back room. That was when I took the fringe off my designer cocktail dress, set it aside, and tossed the dress into the wash.
The next day BF went back to work with plenty of stories to tell. I posted on Facebook the next day that we’d gone and that we made it home.
A few things kind of went sideways, none of which had anything to do with Rafael and Carmen’s wedding. The weather was beautiful and cool for the wedding. But being Houston, it warmed up the next day, and I was a bit overheated. Especially in IKEA, where they didn’t seem to have the A/C running. I was in long pants and sleeves, but took some summer things too, thank heavens. I drank plenty of water, that’s for sure.
The intent to visit a few other folks didn’t happen, and we couldn’t visit everyone. Two intended visits had other engagements and were unavailable. Another is one of BF’s Navy buddies from his Iraq tours. For years, he’s told me that this man lives in Katy. So, we made plans to have lunch with him at a local restaurant on the first day. Unfortunately, over the roar of an engine at 75 mph on I-10 West, I didn’t hear the man say he lived in Baytown, which we could have made easily. BF didn’t speak up, either, until we got to Katy and landed at the restaurant there. Next time, we get an address beforehand.
We Still Had A Great Time
Our hired pet sitter kindly sent us pictures like this:

There he is!
It was overall a good trip, and I’m so glad we finally went. Thanks to everyone who agreed to meet up with us, and apologies to the ones we didn’t get to visit. We’re hoping for another Houston trip one day and to meet with folks we didn’t get to see the last time. Maybe we’ll even make a stop at Central Market. And if all goes well, we will visit Rafael and Carmen, too.
Still, there’s more to come on the blog, with a few posts in the draft folder now. Here’s to more informative food topics in the new year that shape our world and keep us fed.
Happy New Year!
It’s the beautiful wedding of Rafael and Carmen Cruz Rodriguez in a rustic, peaceful setting in Magnolia, Texas, just north of Katy. Finally, the blog you’ve been waiting for. Me too. TL:DR: Everything was just lovely, and of course, the food was delicious. Take a ride with us to The Springs of Magnolia.
Hi Again, Dear Readers:
So, I’ve been procrastinating for over a year with these blog posts and it’s time to just get it done. I know, there have been been a couple of other occasions where I put it off before. But seeing as the married couple just celebrated their first wedding anniversary, well, here it is.
Going to the Chapel of Love
Rafael And Carmen Had a beautiful wedding on Saturday, November 5th, 2022 at a place called the Springs in Magnolia. A year before, Raf texted me the date and they later sent out a “save the date” card to their guests.

This was a big fridge magnet, and I framed it later.
The pictures are perfect. But one thing it does not show is that Carmen is at least a foot and a half shorter than Rafael! That’s OK. If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t see it in the engagement pictures. But it’s obvious in the wedding pictures, as you’ll see.
Later on, the wedding invitation arrived.

Yup, framed that one too after the wedding.
Rafael and Carmen did the design work themselves. Nice work, well done. The design was in full view throughout the reception.
Travel Arrangements to Houston
And then BF and I made our plans to attend. We found a suitable pet sitter on Rover.com. She was a nice young lady who took care of our two dogs and two cats for the duration of our trip. Once we arranged that, I made our hotel reservations.
Rafael suggested staying in Katy because it was the easiest and best way to get to the wedding. I used Booking.com, and it was easy. For the wedding, I booked us into the Katy Hampton Inn, right off I-10. For after the wedding, I booked the Extended Stay Suites on Nasa Road 1 for the second half of the trip. It made no sense to stay 50 miles away in Katy when we were going to spend time in Clear Lake visiting people there. BF didn’t understand this until we started driving around Houston.
When I asked BF about his preference for hotel chains, he just said that since he’d stayed in foxholes with a bunch of guys, it didn’t matter to him. So, I booked our hotels based on location. I just wish that I had done a tad more research into hotels before we went. Next time we will stick with Hampton Inn. But eventually, everything was fine.
A few things went wrong for us. But we made it to the wedding on time and saw Raf and Carmen get married. We enjoyed everything, talked with some great people, and made it home safely. And of course, the food was delicious and beautiful, too.
Friday, November 4th, 2022
Finally, The day came when we drove from the Casa de Rurale to Katy, TX. We began our packing a day or two before leaving. Every day, our pet sitter kindly sent us pictures of the Casa de Rurale Zoo residents.
The day before we left, BF went to someone’s house to install a motor by himself. It had to be done, he said. But it was a bit more difficult than he expected. He hurt his hip somehow and was in pain for a couple of days, walking around carefully. He talked about dancing at the wedding, but thank heavens, he didn’t. I would later find out that he was blathering to make me worry a little. He was successful.
We left home mid-morning and made it to Katy in the early afternoon. The hotel was a little hard to find because I’m not as familiar with Katy as I am with Clear Lake. But after a lovely Mexican lunch, we found it and checked into our hotel room.
Early Voting in Texas
What I didn’t know from looking at Booking.com was that The Katy Hampton Inn was also used as an early voting station. That’s right, it was around the time of the 2022 election, and the hotel lobby was used for early voting. In Clear Lake, that early voting area is the Freeman Library on Diana Lane where I’ve early voted many times. But there was no way to know that the hotel was an early voting station when I booked.
We discovered this when we saw long lines of people trailing out of the lobby door. I went inside to check us in and get our hotel room, while BF began removing our luggage from the truck. Ever the smart alek, BF handed me some of my luggage, and carried the rest, loudly announcing to everyone in the parking lot:
“Hello, My name is James and I’m Amy’s pack mule.”
Yes, he actually said that, out loud, where everyone could hear him. There must have been 200 people standing out there, waiting to vote. He got a few laughs and a few funny looks, but not everyone in line was a Texan, either.
One of the things we did was to get a big lunch and takeout boxes so we could eat later. After driving 300-plus miles, we didn’t want to go out again, and the second half was enough for a good dinner. Besides, it was real Mexican food in big Texas style, and worth savoring. (More on that one in the next blog.)
BF’s brother also checked in with the animals in the evening, letting them out again on his way home.
After texting Raphael and letting him know we’d arrived, and BF talking to his brother, we could finally relax in our hotel room. It was lovely and very comfortable, and we looked forward to breakfast downstairs the next morning.
Saturday, November 5th, 2022
Breakfast was great. We had plenty of options and I had some delicious coffee. Because we did need a few small things, we headed to the Katy Target store a few miles up the road on I-10 first thing in the morning. BF wanted a new tie, that sort of thing. Once we got everything, we returned to the hotel to get dressed for the wedding.
Just to let him know what we were doing, I texted Raphael a few times that morning. Additionally, we had the venue and address loaded into the phone so we could find our way without any trouble. We didn’t realize what a long drive it was, and of course, BF was unfamiliar with the terrain.
Rafael told us to leave early since the wedding was scheduled for 3:00. He suggested we leave about 1:30 or so from the hotel. I’m glad we took that advice because we missed the onramp to the Grand Parkway twice. We were not prepared for driving laps on the Katy Freeway. Finally, we got onto the Grand Parkway and headed North.
The Drive
At some point, you get off the Grand Parkway and get onto a road that takes you to The Springs in Magnolia. That road gets smaller and smaller and more rural. It was almost like driving around our little rural area. Then we saw the sign.

We made it!
And then the sign that told us we were at the correct hall:

And in the right place, too.
As I mentioned in my last blog, The Springs of Magnolia is a beautiful rural spot ideal with two reception halls for such an event. Take a look:

Isn’t it gorgeous?
And this:

And the weather was perfect.
This was the chapel-like altar setup behind the hall:

Isn’t that gorgeous?
Another shot of the wedding area:

A closer look at where the wedding took place.
After parking, they directed all the guests around the back of the Stonebridge venue. We sat down, and took a selfie:

We made it!
Then I texted our selfie to Rafael to let him know we were there. I also managed a great picture of BF:

He’s so cute!
Because you don’t see him in a suit every day. I have this one framed on my desk, and why not? BF exudes “FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder” vibes here, too.
My Designer Dress
Because I sew—and I can’t help myself—I had to have a new dress. BF has a few suits, and he just picked one from the closet. But no, I needed a new dress and something stylish. After changing my mind about 187 times (vintage or modern?), I decided on Vogue 1776, a Badgley Mischka cocktail dress from a holiday season or two ago:

Isn’t it fabulous?
I showed it to Rafael, and his first question was, “You’re going to wear white to a wedding?” I forgot to tell him I was making it Navy blue before I showed him the pattern.
And you know I had to have that FRINGE! A quick trip to Etsy and I got some that arrived a week later. I stitched it to the drape and removed it when we got home to wash the dress. The intent was to have snaps to hold the fringe onto the drape, then remove the fringe for washing and storage. But I didn’t get that done on time. (I did the snaps a few weeks ago, as I’ll explain in an upcoming blog post.) It’s fully lined, too.
Unfortunately, I don’t have a good picture of me wearing the dress. . .so, it’s Navy blue, and yes, it does have the long fringe hanging off the drape. And I can’t say it looks just like that on me. Plus, I won’t bore you about how it swings when you walk or how it gets in the way when you’re seated.
The Wedding
Although everybody arrived and was seated on time, the wedding started just after 3:00 pm, maybe 15 minutes or so. But once it did, everything went smoothly. A few of Rafael’s groomsmen were members of the Texas State Guard. They were dressed in uniform for the wedding.

Three are military; Rafael is the big dude on the left.
Then came the bridesmaids, one at a time.

Get a look at that dress!
Isn’t that an interesting color?
There were four ladies:

Same color, slightly different style
I say “interesting” because bridesmaids’ dresses are usually pastel colors, like pink or blue, or darker colors like red, blue, purple, etc. Not here. These ladies were all were drop-dead gorgeous:

Yes, I know, I got the cameraman’s equipment in the shot.
They used this gorgeous and dramatic fall color for the bridesmaids’ dresses and throughout the entire wedding. The flowers all matched, from the bouquet to the cake and table flowers.
Here Comes the Bride!
And then it was Carmen’s turn to walk in her very intricate gown.
Just a few days before the wedding, Carmen’s abuela (grandmother) in Puerto Rico passed away suddenly, and her father had to go back to Puerto Rico to tend to her final arrangements. So, it was up to Carmen’s son to walk her up the aisle. He handled the job perfectly.

Here she is!
We were in aisle seats, so I got some great pictures, even if the official photographer’s equipment was in some of the shots.

I told you he was taller. And Carmen is wearing heels!
The wedding ceremony went off without a hitch—well, none that we noticed. Once the minister pronounced them married, they walked back down the aisle together. Now husband and wife:

The sun came in at the right time, yes?
Raphael was impressed at some of the pictures I showed him, so he asked me for copies. Since they’re uploaded into Shutterfly, I just shared a link to the online album with him. He could easily see and download the entire collection. I think he even used one or two of my shots in his social media.
Then, they posed for a bunch of pictures, naturally! When the pictures were all finished, they went in first. I took this one, which I thought was pretty good:

They look fantastic!
And they both released this one from their official wedding photographer on their social media accounts.

Married! We were literally sitting right there when this was taken.
Then it was time to socialize and have a reception for these two.
Pre-Reception Appetizers
We were led onto the back veranda until they opened the hall an hour later. The workers wouldn’t let us into the hall just yet, so there were appetizers outside in the beautiful cool sunset:

Oh, my word. Ceviche!!!
I didn’t mind. . .except that the sole split from my right shoe as we were walking up the stairs, and my um. . .Spanx was showing a little from the bottom of my dress. Well, it wasn’t our wedding, right? Someone was kind enough to discreetly tell me, but the staff wouldn’t let me inside to fix the Spanx.
BF very kindly went out to the truck to get my other shoes. I wore a pair of Navy Crocs flats with a fancy Badgley Mischka cocktail dress, including the long fringe on the drape. The other option was black duct tape around my shoe. Oh, that’s classic, right? (Classic dork!) I later wished I’d gone with the duct tape, but I’ll explain why later. (I have since found some shoe glue on Amazon, which I’ll add to my next order.)
We met many great people, all friends and family of the now-Mr. & Mrs. Rodriguez, while enjoying some delicious nibbles:

I could have stayed here for the whole reception, but thankfully, we didn’t.
Ceviche And Empanadas
The servers were passing these cups of ceviche, the South American fish dish that is “cooked” with lime juice.

Ceviche! It was SO GOOD!
This picture of the ceviche came out pretty good, yes? It was delicious, and it included a dollop of guacamole. I also plated it to show the details:
Naturally, BF wouldn’t touch the ceviche–too exotic, even if he does like shrimp. He doesn’t know what it is or what to do with it, and lime is involved so that’s a no. That’s just more for me! But he enjoyed the charcuterie nibbles. Servers also passed around these delicious Puerto Rican empanadas, but I only had a beef one.

These were also delicious.
BF had one or two, and he enjoyed them. I kept saying “gracias” each time I was near a server because everything was so tasty.
Yes, I’m afraid “gluten-free” went out the window this time. But like everything we had, it was delicious. I can’t tell you what “Puerto Rican style” meant, but I may ask Rafael one day. When we worked together, I used to tell Raf that if ever I had a Hispanic boyfriend, his mother would be on the hook for Spanish cooking lessons.
Inside The Hall
The staff were putting the finishing touches on everything, I suppose, and getting ready for the delicious dinner meal. We sat with some nice people and had some great conversations. After about an hour of hanging out on the back veranda in the beautiful weather, they directed us to the front door. We were greeted by an enlargement of one of the engagement pictures:
Seating arrangements were posted, and we found our way to our table.

Notice how the design matches the wedding invitation, too.
We signed the little hearts:
And I think there was a book, too.
The tables and arrangements were perfectly arranged, and included the rust color from the dresses and flowers we saw earlier:
Let’s put it this way: nothing was left to chance, and every detail was taken care of to the letter, in the same fashion as Southern Oaks Plantation does.
Cocktails, The Dinner Menu, Including Dessert
I knew about the dessert menu in advance, because Raf showed it to me. But the dinner menu was a bit of a surprise:

Interesting, no?
New York Strip Steaks? Yes, thank you! And the addition of chimichurri sauce was nice, too.

Everything was so good.
I also tried the Pollo Tropical, aka “Tropical Chicken.” BF also had the steak because Pollo Tropical was too exotic for him. Besides, there were cute little desserts to sample after dinner.
Longtime readers may remember the day I made my chimichurri sauce after being gifted an oregano plant. Chimichurri normally includes vinegar, so I suggested to BF that he pass on it, which he did. But guess what? It was very delicious and garlicky but with no detectable vinegar taste. They must have omitted the vinegar. I offered to let BF try some, but he declined. He did enjoy the steak and everything else on the menu.
Yes, there was a wedding cake, keep reading. But we also checked out the mini desserts.
Because, why not?
I don’t have a picture of it, unfortunately, (or I can’t find it) but there were also his-and-her specialty cocktails at the bar. The “her” cocktail was a Mango Margarita, and I had to have one. BF was driving, and he doesn’t drink, ever, so me drinking one wasn’t a big deal. (There was also champagne somewhere in there, and I only had one.) Although it was quite a strong cocktail, I didn’t feel it, probably because of the nibbles and dinner. Even if I had become a bit tiddly, we had our phones and Google Maps to get us back to the hotel, and he would be driving anyway.
The Cake!
Of course, because there was a wedding, there was also a beautiful wedding cake.
Lots of lovely details. The flowers and pearl detail are just exquisite:

That’s a lot of work, for sure.
Oops! That’s one detail nobody asked for:
It was a big cake and needed careful handling, so a fingerprint shouldn’t be a surprise, really. Everyone handling or serving food wore gloves. We each had a slice of this delicious vanilla cake with a rich vanilla frosting. Two thumbs up here.
Other Reception Activities
We found our table and were seated with another couple who have known Rafael for many years. During the reception, we met many different people from all over Texas (I think we were the only ones from this side of the Sabine), and for me, it felt like “home.” I’m used to being around lots of different kinds of people, especially after working in the Houston Medical Center, Rice University, Compaq, and Boeing for eight years. (I was the only Boeing alumni who attended, although others were invited.) BF spoke with lots of new people that night and throughout the trip.
Remember when I said everything was perfectly matched? I wasn’t kidding. Even the napkins on the tables were that beautiful rust color.
The table settings were just gorgeous, especially with the rust color infusion:
Our table was sort of in the middle of the hall. We were right by the stairwell when the happy couple came down the stairs to join the reception from upstairs.

They were not only happy but enjoying the music that accompanied their descent.
The back of Carmen’s dress was also quite intricate:
I suppose they were taking more pictures up there, but I didn’t ask. And these two were just so happy.
Wedding Pictures of Rafael and Carmen
Of course, the photographers kept Rafael and Carmen busy posing for pictures the whole time. When it’s your wedding, that’s what you do.
They were the only dancers:
I’ll wager a guess that their picture of them with the fog machine looks better than mine:
Family pictures were also nice:
I don’t have any pictures of Carmen tossing her bouquet. If I remember correctly, I stood with the rest of the women for the catch. Normally, I stay far away from that activity. Well, I didn’t, but I wasn’t looking to catch it anyway. Maybe they decided who would catch it, and that’s OK, too.
I managed to get a quick selfie with Rafael:

My Boeing Brother.
Didn’t get to talk to him for very long. Then again, nobody else did, either. And guess who forgot to say Hi to Rafael’s parents? I know, DUH. But it was a busy night for them, too.
Reception Amenities
Everyone received one of these cute little favors, best described as a coaster, or maybe a Christmas tree ornament if you leave it in the little bag:
Either way, it’s a pretty reminder, and BF and I both brought one home. They’re nice keepsakes for some great memories. We’ll enjoy them for many years to come, along with the next souvenir.
The Sketch Artists
We noticed people were gathered around two sides of the hall, one in the front, and one in the back. After dinner, we investigated. It seems that the happy couple brought in a pair of sketch artists to make drawings for attendees.

These ladies were SO BUSY!
Wasn’t that nice?
I think they did Rafael and Carmen’s first, then sketched others as they approached the tables. We really didn’t know about this ahead of time. Both ladies worked hard to get everyone’s beautiful sketches done. We waited until they got less busy so they could catch up a little, and this is what she gave us:
Ours was also nice, and I did see Doctor Who and his Companion vibes here. Maybe that’s just me.
Of course, the sketch captured my dorky flats with a designer cocktail dress. Now you see why I wish I’d gone with the black duct tape instead. It’s not a big deal, but again, it was their wedding. Later, I framed this little sketch, and it’s hanging where we see it every day.
Photo Booth With Video
I don’t know how to describe the second amenity on the other side of the hall. It’s a photo-booth thing where you can take still pictures and make a 30-second music video in front of a 360-degree circulating camera. We went with the pictures, but not the videos, and this is what came out:
I know, I look awful here. The dress was too big because I didn’t get to fit it correctly before we left. Bright lights, no filters, and other reasons, but lots of photogenic props for posing. BF had to lean on me a little because he was still hurting from Thursday’s motor installation. This was my one chance to wear a tiara, so I did. BF just had fun with the “wedding crashers” sign, the prop gun, and looking “gangsta.”
If you’re reading this and laughing about it now, you should be. I may try to use some photo editing apps to make a nicely framed headshot of us from one of the pictures.
We could have walked to the next “attraction” with the tiara and pea shooter in the middle of the stage and made a 30-second dance video with flashing lights and the camera racing around 360 degrees. Honestly, we had to ask about what the heck it was so we could decline! It’s hard to describe, and I don’t even know where to find something online to show it to you. Everyone was having fun making their videos, and BF was still in pain, so we just watched.
Eventually, I want to add all our pictures into a few of those little books from Shutterfly.
The Texas Military Delegation
I’ve told BF before that Texas has its own military, to which he would respond, “Oh, you mean the National Guard.” You see, he was in the Louisiana National Guard for a long time with a couple of active duty stints overseas. As a veteran, BF knows all about that sort of thing.
Except in Texas.
Louisiana has a National Guard delegation, but not a formal “state militia” as Texas does. That’s because Texas was an independent country before it became a state. BF didn’t understand, and I don’t know enough about it to give him a proper explanation.
Rafael joined the Texas Army several years ago and continues to do technology-related work for them. During the reception, we approached a couple of these Texas Military members, introduced ourselves, and asked them to explain it to BF. They were happy to talk about it, and BF learned some interesting things he didn’t know. Military guys are in their zone when they start talking about their service tenures! I was glad to see him chatting with these fellow veterans, and he learned a lot he didn’t know before.
On the return drive to the Katy Hampton Inn, BF called his brother. The first words out of his mouth: “Did you know that Texas has its own Army?” I just smiled while he explained everything to his brother.
The next morning, we also had breakfast with one of the groomsmen, also a Texas Military man. We didn’t know he was staying in the same hotel. He was going home to Austin while we were headed to the Extended Stay in Clear Lake for a couple of days. When BF told me who it was, I took a picture and sent it to Raf, who got a kick out of that one. We had a nice conversation over breakfast and coffee with him, including a little more about Texas’ military forces before parting company.
The Remains of the Night
After we got our portrait drawn by one of the two sketch artists and had a small bit of the wedding cake, we left the reception.

The remains of the day, or night
We were there until about 9:00 pm, I think.
Before we left, we saw Rafael again, congratulated and hugged him and Carmen, and walked out to the truck to head back to the hotel in Katy.
It was a lovely wedding that evening with delicious Puerto Rican-style food and a great time with a diverse group of friendly people. The weather, the venue, and everything else was just perfect. The Mango Margarita added a little tasty je ne sais quoi, but not too much.
Congratulations to Rafael and Carmen, and Happy Anniversary. We hope we’ll get to see them again one day soon.
What’s Next In HeatCageKitchen
I’ll try to get these done sooner rather than later, but now that the wedding blog is done, it should be easier.
The rest of the trip to Houston
The next blog will include the rest of our Houston trip, including a visit to the Houston IKEA store. We also visited some people: Aunt Ruth, Aunt Kathy, and Neighbor E. I’ll also tell you what went kind of sideways. That will be a blog of its own.
Miss Alice and her daughter N came for Thanksgiving last week. That was a busy couple of days! We were so glad to see them, but a couple of obstacles that meant I wasn’t entirely ready when they got here. But Buddy was so happy to see his friend B-Dog, who is ten years older. I got a few pictures, but not many, because I was so involved in getting a turkey in the oven and dinner on the table. Whew!
Another wedding
Guess what? We went to another wedding, a year after Rafael’s. This one was closer to home, in the Knights of Columbus Hall in nearby Ponchatoula, LA, and one of BF’s business cohorts. It was also nice, in a smaller venue, and every bit as enjoyable. Admittedly, I wore the dress from Rafael’s wedding with a few tweaks, including the removable fringe. That wedding will be a separate blog, too.
The Holiday Season is here whether we want it or not, so buckle up and stay warm. Winter is starting to show itself, and we hope we’re ready if we have another big winter freeze before spring.
Until next time, Happy Dining!
Hi, Again, Dear Readers:
Well, it’s happened again: an unintentional and accidental hiatus, hence a catchup post. I was doing good but became OBE, or overwhelmed by events. My apologies. I had some new work from new clients and just got swamped. It’s a long one, so settle in with a cuppa before you begin reading.
BF has had to step up and make dinner more than once, and we’ve had frozen pizzas too. I’m way overdue for last year’s wedding trip posts, as well as a few others. I have a couple of posts that are in progress as well.
I’d love to say we won the lottery. Well, we have, and winning $4 with both the PowerBall and MegaMillions drawings is a confidence booster. If we won the bigger pots, we’d be new anonymous people overnight.
This blog site has some issues going on too, and I need to get Raf to help me fix those. If you’ve signed up for emails, that’s one of the issues I can’t seem to fix. The other is the missing table of contents that I can’t seem to get back in place—none of the seven plugins seem to work. Plus, we have a couple of business things to start on both my side and his, and Carmen may be involved.
This is the catchup that I’ve been writing here and there for a while.
Artificial Intelligence In Everyday Life
So if you haven’t caught the AI bug yet, here’s one good use of it: keeping ice cream in stock.
No kidding, the Unilever company owns over 3 million freezers worldwide and they’re adding little cameras to each one of them to make sure the ice cream never runs out. From the article:
“The camera fitted inside our cabinet takes a photo periodically, sends it into the cloud, and it’s analyzed using AI to let shopkeepers know what to restock and submit orders in a frictionless way,” explains Berty Jacob, an R&D cold chain specialist with Unilever, in a blog post.
They’re also adding this exclusive technology <cough, cough> to vending machines and their supply chain, too.
What’s next—AI-enabled slow cookers and Instant Pots? I don’t put it past anyone, really, after they started with the Wi-Fi-connected slow cookers. “Alexa, turn on the CrockPot on low heat for seven hours.” Big no from me, and BF concurs.
If you say, “Alexa” around this little cabin in the woods, you’ll be talking to yourself. Not having that here. ChatGPT is a tool, nothing more, and if you use it, be cautious of copyright infringement.
Around The Casa de Rurale—The Visitor From Texas
Two weekends ago, we had a surprise visit from Miss Alice! We expected her this week following a road trip to Florida with her daughter. The plans changed, her daughter flew to Austin, and Miss Alice ended up spending a weekend with us with just B-Dog, a half Chihuahua/half Dachshund.

They made it!!
We were very glad to see Miss Alice, and hopefully, we didn’t scare her (much.)
Broccoli Stirfry enjoyed meeting B-Dog and had a great time once they got past the uneasy initial meeting. The cats weren’t thrilled with this little yapper and stayed clear. B-Dog quickly figured out how to climb up the couch to get to the cat food. I had to make sure not to step on him.
When she gave me a future date for her visit, I was thinking about what I might make for dinner. What I was considering was a meal I made for BF a while back from Emilie Bailey’s Easy Dirty Keto; Miss Alice also owns a copy. The dinner with the BBQ chicken, deep-fried Brussels sprouts, and maybe the chocolate-mint whipped topping dessert was top of mind.

He took to Titan’s favorite cushion quickly.
Well, that’s not what we had, but there was chicken, and last year’s mint & parsley pesto was also brought out from the freezer. Oh, and some quinoa, too. Plus, I picked and cooked the only three little Shishito peppers for Miss Alice. That went well, especially since BF worked late that evening.

Not bad for a quick throw-together. She enjoyed everything, including the peppers.
And that little salad was from the garden, but that’s all the lettuce and tomatoes that were ready to eat. No matter, it was tasty with a light vinaigrette of EVOO and fig-infused vinegar. Just enough for two small salads.
While Miss Alice took a nap, I went out and got her more of the PJ’s K-Cups she likes. Winn-Dixie had Pumpkin Spice on sale, so I got her a box of those too. Once she got under the magic Snap-On blanket, she was out like a light.
Saturday Shopping And Catchup
BF worked the day shift on Saturday, made our breakfast, and also made dinner, his favorite jambalaya (from a locally produced mix) on Saturday night. We all enjoyed that plus some good conversation. During the day I took Miss Alice to our local Tractor Supply and Dirt Cheap. It was kind of an on-the-fly thing, and she found some lovely things for her new place. I also wanted her to see the great pet stuff at Tractor Supply for B-Dog.
Turns out there is a Dirt Cheap in Pasadena, TX, and a Tractor Supply within 5 miles of her new apartment, where you may run into friends like these:

He was noisy! I didn’t get close enough to pet him, though.
Also told her about Ollie’s Bargain Center, one of which is now open on El Dorado Blvd, not far from El Dorado Trace. They do seem to have a big selection of K-Cup coffees for a good price, and I figured she’d want to know about that. Neighbor E has recently paid them a visit, too.
BF took care of her oil change and changed the air filter on her car after dinner. He had to be to work early, and Miss Alice left early Sunday morning not long after BF did. During the trip home, Miss Alice got some RaceTrac coffee around Lafayette, arriving home safely around noon. We were so busy with our catchup that we didn’t get to take any selfies. Fortunately, she’s been able to make it to the beach since she’s been home before school and work starts up again soon. We anxiously await her return visit.
Illness And Injury
Back in February, we got sick again, with my convalescence spanning two weeks and requiring an inhaler for bronchitis. BF got over it quickly, but my sore throat moved down into my lungs. I thought I’d never quit coughing.
But while BF recovered from the sore throat, he managed to get a bit of metal from a brush grater stuck under the skin on the back of his right hand. It hurt like any splinter, but of course, it was also rusty. It began swelling badly and hurt him when the infection took hold.
I’m not putting any pictures of that awfulness up for you to see.
The full treatment took two trips to the local urgent care center and one to a local emergency room, along with antibiotics, minor surgery, a tetanus shot, and a couple of sick days from work. Then he had to put large bandages over the wound to protect it and keep it from view during the healing process. It took a while to completely heal, and it was awful to look at for a time. But BF is fine now, thank heavens, and back immersed in his car guy activities.
Veterinary Matters
Concurrently, Tab E. Cat had an urgent medical matter, a ruptured blood vessel in his ear that was swollen and painful. A trip to the vet resolved the problem—it involved surgery to drain the blood and stitch it back flat. They literally quilted his ear with stitches. He is all healed up now, and his ear will be forever wonky. Otherwise, he’s still the same fussy old boss cat.

There he is, waiting to be fed.
Unfortunately, during Tab E. Cat’s situation, we didn’t realize that our beloved 10-year-old pit bull, Titan, was in distress.

He’s just sleeping here, back in the office area.
He passed away before we could get him to the vet, and with lots of tears, we buried him near Spencer on a chilly Monday morning.

BF took selfies with Titan sometimes.
We called Titan the “pussycat of pit bulls.” While he was a loyal and protective animal with a deep, throaty bark, he wasn’t vicious or dangerous. Obviously, we are still heartbroken, and not looking for another dog just yet.

Titan looked after Buddy until he got bigger
We miss our sweet pooch, all 82 pounds of him. He enjoyed hanging out with me in the back room and listening to jazz music. Maybe one day there will be another “velvet hippo.” But for now, Buddy, aka Broccoli Stirfry, has only us and the cats to hang out with.
My Turn
While everything was going on, I was on my feet taking care of BF and the animals—all while doing client work. But that sore throat wasn’t getting better. The day after we buried Titan, I just collapsed. Then I discovered that the same local urgent care center offered telemedicine visits, so I scheduled one.
I met with a doctor via video link at their Mandeville clinic, where they handle the telemedicine calls. He prescribed an inhaler and the antibiotic Z-Pack, which I ultimately didn’t need. The antibiotic was a just-in-case thing. They called the prescriptions into the local Winn-Dixie, I went and got them, and a week later I was much better. I’ll do that again any day of the week.
Speaking of Broccoli Stirfry
He’s now just over 18 months old, and weighs about 75 pounds.

There he is, not a thought in his head
A couple of weeks ago he began furiously barking at what turned out to be two bulls on the neighbor’s property.

There they are. Dangerous threats to life, limb, and property.
Obviously a threat to everyone, right? They did get out one day and were wandering around outside the house, but the neighbor came and rounded them up.
Buddy is still chewing on anything he can find, and acting a fool frequently.

There he is as he normally appears, rolling over in the grass as only he can
To date, he’s destroyed two remote controls, more papers, towels and other textiles, a wooden handle, several plastic things from the kitchen, and an Otterbox case for an iPhone. We discovered that he also likes the taste of the iPhone 12, which belonged to BF’s brother.
While BF was in bed after his ER visit, his brother dropped by, bringing several boxes of Girl Scout cookies for BF. He went into the bedroom to talk with BF but set his phone down by the easy chair.
That’s all this dog needs. He saw it as something left for him because it was within his reach.

We get this look a lot from him.
Thirty minutes after he left, (if that long) BF’s brother came back to ask if he’d left his phone at the Casa de Rurale. We didn’t see it, so we rang it. The dog had the iPhone IN the bedding of his kennel, where he’d chewed the Otterbox case off the phone and started in on the iPhone. The glass encasement was shattered but the phone still worked fine. BF and his brother were both shocked, but I wasn’t.
It’s normal for this dog, but nobody listens. No word on whether he’s repaired or replaced his iPhone.
The Thwarted Berry Season
This was a bummer, but Mother Nature does whatever she wants.
Our early and long-term spring weather brought out fresh greenery and began the process of budding blackberries. They were everywhere, and I was anticipating a huge harvest. If Broccoli Stirfy the dog didn’t eat them all first.

That’s all I got whenever I went out to pick.
Then, just like that, we had another short but hard freeze in mid-March. The early berries didn’t make it, but there were more flowers that turned into berries that slowly began ripening.
Unfortunately, because of that freeze, the newer berries didn’t have a chance to ripen before the vines turned brown as they normally do at the end of their season.

Once the season is over, they’re done.
So once again, the berries are gone. We only got a handful of ripe ones to eat, which I shared with the dog, while I waited for the fruitless harvest. (Get it? Fruitless?) The few we could reach and enjoy were delicious.
BF was asking for another “non-healthy” blackberry dessert. I reminded him of last year’s Blackberry Cheesecake Galette, which he loved. I’ll be happy to make him something again this summer. But anything made with blackberries will have to be from prior years’ harvests in the freezer or bought from a grocery store.
After a cold winter, summer is here, and a hot one. Texas has been experiencing temperatures over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, and we’ve had some as well. Several memes let transplants from other states know that this only Texas’ “preheating.” The bad news is that the Texas electrical grid is again at risk of failure or at least not keeping up with increasing demand. This may mean brownouts, blackouts, and anyone with a smart thermostat to lose control of it until the demand lessens. Many people found that out the hard way last year and quickly learned how to “opt-out” of that.
Our friend Beverly in central Georgia has had the same 100+ degree heat. She’s staying inside building little dollhouse things for now.
Houston has also had some significant rainstorms like we have. But I haven’t forgotten the spring/summer of 2011, when drought conditions developed in H-Town. It was my third or fourth year gardening behind the condo, and I had plants both in the ground and in pots. But even with watering twice daily before and after work, many of those lovely plants in the little back patio garden, especially zucchini, cantaloupe, and cucumber, dried up in the heat.
We’ve had hot temperatures, with only occasional rain, including some intense storms, too. I’ve been watering the plants myself in the morning and occasionally in the evening except when it rains. April and May have been the usual months for heavy rains, but we didn’t have as much this time around. I’m still planning to make a sturdy, utilitarian raincoat for our colder rainy periods. I’ve got all the supplies and cut the fabric, just need to start stitching. Those lovely lightweight designer raincoats I made for office work don’t cut it here.
And of course, hurricane season began on June 1.
The HeatCageKitchen 2023 Garden Catchup
As he did last year, BF wouldn’t give me a commitment on where to put our garden. So, once again, the garden is in 5-gallon buckets at the edge of the patio. I need to get more. Some are a bit broken but still serviceable.
I kept buying plants and putting them in the kitchen window by the sink where they would get sunlight. The chilly nights kept coming back, so I was reluctant to put anything outside, especially tomatoes and peppers. Finally, I did, mostly because BF was complaining about the “science experiments” in the kitchen window. He says that about anything I’m doing that he doesn’t understand.
One cherry tomato plant was about two feet tall before I put it outside, and now it’s about four feet high with branches and leaves. I’ve harvested many tomatoes so far, and only a few remain in the window to ripen. It’s tied to three stakes to keep it upright, and I trimmed off the brown parts. Hoping for some more new growth with more tomatoes before the end of the season.

Enjoying the last of them soon.
A smaller golden cherry tomato plant with a couple of flowers is not yet flourishing like the bigger one. I’ve been using Garden Safe botanical insecticides because a couple of Mother Nature’s hungry creatures found it and were enjoying both leaves and tomatoes. I found it at Tractor Supply, but you can also buy it on Amazon.
Peppers, Sage, And More
So far, I’ve harvested two little Poblano peppers, one tiny red bell pepper, and two small Anaheim/Hatch chili peppers. More flowers and buds are developing.
Surprisingly, Tractor Supply had Shishito pepper plants again, and I bought two. I’ve harvested one batch and cooked them, then clipped the three smallish peppers to cook for Miss Alice. That’s all I had available for her. If her visit was later we might have had more.
The plants are full of buds and flowers, and I’m anticipating a bumper crop soon. On a recent jaunt to Baton Rouge, (keep reading) I bought a bag at Trader Joe’s to cook up before my garden ones were ripe:

They are so tasty.
The green onions are growing nicely with one flowering, and I also got a sage plant again. My huge mint plant died in the last freeze, so I bought another one. It’s coming along, and I’ve already used some mint for a Corsican omelette.
Basil, BF’s nemesis, is also growing well. The two original plants were strong before I put them out, then I cut them to propagate more. Those cuttings are well-rooted and planted but still tiny. I’m waiting to see how many will turn into more basil for pesto. I had a hard time finding the 1 cup small square glass type containers with the tight lids, but I finally went to Pyrex’s website and found them on sale. They arrive this week, and I’ll make my first batch soon.
Grocery Shopping
I also made it back to Aldi about a month ago. Got another cauliflower pizza, and lots more delicious things. A couple of weeks before that I headed to Baton Rouge for a Joann/Trader Joe’s run. In addition to the Shishito peppers, I also met this nice lady named Brittani at TJ’s:

She was ever so nice, and let me have two bites.
Who was sampling this wonderful blueberry cheese:

It’s so delicious!
Yes, blueberry cheese, and a piece came home with me. It’s something I’ll savor when BF is out of the house, for sure. I also found this Salmon Rub:

This little bottle is so full of flavor, and you don’t need much.
Used it on a piece of fish I got at Aldi, and it was absolutely delicious.

That’s all I did, with a bit of olive oil.
Just ask Tab E. Cat.
I finally ate the “quinoa meal” from my initial Aldi trip when BF was out, and it wasn’t bad. You heat up the quinoa and add the other bowl, and stir.
Not bad, and only memorable because of BF’s reaction. It even came with a foldable spork:
Once again I went to Aldi on my own. They do a brisk business and it was not nearly as crowded as opening day. BF was not as impressed with my grocery hauls, reminding me, “It’s just a grocery store.” I feed him good food, no matter what he says.
I Won!
Since I’ve been on Instagram, I have entered a lot of contests for fun. Frequently, the contest requires you to tag someone you’re friends with as a requirement, and sometimes I tag several people. Miss Alice always gets tagged first.
You may remember a couple of years ago that I won Fiesta Spice’s contest during the holidays and received their tamale kit. It’s still in the pantry, but one day I’ll be making tamales. Probably all by myself because BF thinks it’s better to buy them already made.
But I’ve won again—twice in just a couple of months!
Back in April, I entered the contest held by The Pioneer Woman Collection’s account for a Tumbler giveaway. They did a random drawing for two of the Pioneer Woman 40-ounce tumblers—and I won.
These days, you’re nothing without your Tumbler, so I read somewhere. Ree’s daughter Alex loves the Stanley brand tumblers. These PW tumblers were never offered here in our local Walmart, but Hammond had them. They’ve also been quite popular because they seem to be out of stock frequently.
I forgot about the entry, and a couple of days later I was notified that they had picked me. They were shipped from Dallas, and I figured Alex was the shipper. When the box arrived, sure enough, the sender was “Alex Drummond.” Well, it could have been anyone using Alex’s account. But they arrived a few days later:

Aren’t they adorable?
I’ve been using the blue one, and the pink one is a backup. The straw in mine actually came from Target on sale many months ago. The ones that come with the tumbler are clear.

Where you normally see this one, on my desk.
Then I messaged Alex on Instagram and told her that the tumblers arrived safely and that I do appreciate them. The tumbler is great and keeps drinks cold for hours. I’ve been using them ever since.
Showing the #DashStash
Then a few weeks later, the Dash company had an Instagram contest: show us your #DashStash, “for a chance to win anything from our product line that’s in stock.” So, I took a picture and added it to my Instagram stories, which I won’t show here because it’s embarrassing (and it’s gone now, I think.)
Later in the afternoon, I got a message from someone on their social media team that they picked ME. They actually picked two winners, me and another lady with a few of the aqua appliances, including their mini rice cooker. (We need one of those—in red—but BF thinks we don’t.) No word on what the other winner picked, but maybe we were the only two who entered.
Earlier in the day, I mentioned the contest to BF. I asked what he thought about getting a Dash dehydrator if, by slim chance, I was picked as a winner. He said, “Sure, that’s fine.”
So I asked Dash I could have a dehydrator, and they said “yes.” They asked for the mailing address, so I messaged back—and does it come in red? No, it doesn’t but that’s OK. (It used to, though.) I downloaded the manual from their website and gave it a once-over. The package arrived about two weeks later:

It’s here!
I knew when it was coming thanks to the UPS app. That morning I went to Walmart and bought a bag of organic apples. That night I set out to dry them:

Really easy, and flavored only with cinnamon
Twelve hours later they were done:

BF then suggested bananas, so that was the next night:
Pretty tasty, although I didn’t add anything. I’ve also dried pineapples and mangoes, which are delicious dried as-is. The trick is thin slices, no thicker than a quarter-inch. You also need patience. I set it up to run overnight and the dried fruit is ready in the morning. Are a couple of trays not quite done? Let it run a little longer for just those trays.
I sent some home with Miss Alice, and her daughter enjoyed both apples and bananas. But BF wasn’t interested in dried fruit. He wants to know when I’m making beef jerky. I’m not adverse to making it, and there are recipes in the accompanying recipe book for making some. Plus, I have a copy of The Complete Dehydrator Book by Carole Cancler, which I received from Callisto a couple of years ago. When I got the book, BF said to me, “That’s OK, I had enough dehydrated food in the military.” After the dried fruit, he’s a little interested but is requesting beef jerky, so that’s planned.
The accompanying booklet has recipes for beef, chicken, turkey, and salmon jerky that I hope to try, and of course, the cookbook, which has recipes for using dehydrated food. I’m planning to do more dehydrating in the future, including the beef jerky for BF.
My #DashStash gets bigger. Need a new shelf. Yup, you know. Blog post coming.
Prepping For Possibilities
That dehydrator was something I’d planned to buy at some point anyway. But there’s a reason for it, and not just because I already have a book on the subject.
As I mentioned, hurricane season is here, and anyone in or around the Gulf Coast watches the weather a little more closely this time of year. We just had a big storm blow through last week that left major damage around here:
Not a hurricane, but enough wind and rain to cause plenty of scenes like this. (We were fine.) If you talk to someone in New Orleans, they may tell you all about the big memorable hurricanes:
- Betsy, 1963
- Camille, 1969
- Katrina, 2005
Plus, a whole lot more. Then there was the flooding in May of 1978 and 1995, still remembered by many. In this area, there was the unnamed storm in 2016 a month before my move here which didn’t impact New Orleans like it did Baton Rouge, and this area which is northeast of the city. Nearby friends J&B in Albany had to move into the second story of their home for months until they were able to get it all repaired. It happens that way.
In our case, there was Hurricane Ida in 2021. Albany friends J&B told me recently that they were out of power for six weeks before their power company Demco restored their service. Then last year, Hurricane Ian went to Florida where one of my client’s project managers lives. She went through the same thing we did, although it wasn’t as long because she’s in an urban area.
Texas Gets Hurricanes Too
In Houston, there was Hurricane Harvey in 2017, less than a year after I moved away, and Hurricane Ike in 2008, during which I spent 9 days with The E-Man and his wife at their place in the New Orleans area. Plus there were other hurricanes that grazed the Texas coast and had people scrambling into grocery stores for water, batteries, bread, milk, and bathroom tissue. (Points if you get that joke.)
That’s just what I remember sitting here writing about this subject. Along the way, we’ve learned some things and relied on BF’s knowledge of such things. While I can’t say we were absolutely ready for either Hurricane Ida, the aftermath, or the big freeze we experienced six months earlier, we did OK, and probably better than others. I’m not complaining, but there is always room for improvement.
Two of my upcoming posts will focus on preparing for emergencies and other things that can uproot your daily routine. Will you have enough food? Will you have enough time? BF and I talk about this sort of thing occasionally and discuss things we can do to prepare.
If that makes us “preppers,” so be it. But when you live in an area prone to hurricanes, earthquakes, or other natural disasters, you must have some level of readiness, or you’re caught short.
More To Come
I have several ideas in various stages of development, and they will also depend on when I can get the pictures uploaded into WordPress and the content completed. I’m working on it, including the two blogs on our trip last year, honestly. Plus, I’m hoping we get to go back to Houston at some point, maybe head to the beach with Miss Alice.
As always, if you have a topic you’d like me to write about, by all means, leave me a comment here.
Until next time. . . .
I’m back, at least this week, with an anniversary post. It’s been a year since I left Houston. I’m still getting used to it around here.
Hello, again, Dear Readers:
It’s me again! The Dislocated Texan hasn’t gone away, she’s just been really busy. I’m still doing freelance work on Upwork, writing about different things, and trying to keep the laundry monster from overwhelming us. It has, a couple of times. I’ve received some great feedback from different clients, even though a couple of them aren’t clients anymore. That’s just the nature of the beast.
One Year Anniversary
BF and I recently realized that it’s our one-year anniversary since he “rescued” me from Houston. He first arrived on Friday, September 9th, and then I made two more trips before the “drop dead” date of September 15, when I had to be out. We went one more time, about a month later, to retrieve the rest of my paltry things from Neighbor E’s place, which he graciously stored for me. Despite the desire to, we’ve not yet been able to go back for a visit.
From the place I used to live, I’ve only heard from Neighbor E since moving away; none of the other neighbors have corresponded. Do I care? Nah–and Neighbor E doesn’t, either. We keep in touch, of course, on Facebook, by phone, and through the occasional emails and texts. He has told me a few times to be glad I don’t live there anymore since it was already an unfriendly atmosphere before I moved. There are “lots of new people” there, but they’re primarily renters, I suppose, since owners figured out they could make a bundle doing it. Neighbor E owns his condo, and has lived there for 30 years–he’s not able to just pick up and move as I did. That’s why I would never buy a unit that needed a good $25K in repairs, although nobody could have predicted how it all went down.
And Then She Was Gone
My former residence, a one-bedroom condo I rented for 12 years, was unoccupied for nearly a year after I moved out of it. E told me that someone had just moved into it in mid-August. After completely renovating the place, the management company couldn’t rent it or sell it for love or money, but I guess they finally found a sucker. . .I mean, tenant, to take it. I wonder if the kitchen sink drain has backed up on this person yet. (I know, not nice.)
Thanks to Facebook, I can keep in touch with everyone else, even folks I haven’t seen in a while. The GER isn’t on Facebook, but we keep up on email and the occasional call. (He doesn’t text, either.) Heard from Debbie the Avon Lady just last week when “Hurricane Nate” blew through; we didn’t even notice it. I’ve spoken to LK, the GER, Miss Alice, and others frequently since leaving. I still refer to LK as “my district leader in Houston,” even though I’m not in her district anymore (and neither is Miss Alice.) Still, I have a new district leader in Mandeville, which is nearly an hour’s drive from here, and I go to Buddhist activities whenever I can. BF has gone with me to the district meeting once and met everyone. NM took a few pictures of us, one of which is now our “anniversary picture.”
A Little Spirituality
OK, so not the usual thing from a food blog, but I’m going to shift the focus with a little bit of Buddhist scripture. You’ll understand why shortly:
The Buddha promised in the Lotus Sutra that, for women, the sutra will serve as a lantern in the darkness, as a ship when they cross the sea, and a protector when they travel through dangerous places.
One of the main reasons I became a Buddhist on my birthday in 1986 was because women were not excluded or secondary. Throughout the Lotus Sutra, it states that women are equally able to become enlightened, in their present form–it’s not reserved for just men, and it’s not only something that’s possible in a future state. (Next week is my 31st anniversary of starting my Buddhist practice.)
A big reason I’m a Buddhism fan is protection. It’s not to say that bad things can’t happen to Buddhists, because they do. But sometimes those bad things can be good things in disguise, and you find out later that you were protected. Or that something that you suffered could have been a lot worse. I could tell you about the time I was returning to Houston after visiting New Orleans and took a turn off the I-10 to get a coffee, returned to I-10, and discovered a multiple-car accident. That could have been ME. A $2 cup of coffee saved me a lot of time, hassle, and money, not to mention the potential for injury, a long way from home. LK also knows a parable that explains it well, but I don’t know it all myself.
Next week is my 31st Buddhist anniversary. Not giving it up.
Texas Isn’t Texas Anymore
As I’ve said many times, the inbound migration is changing the face of the entire state of Texas. People flocked INTO Texas from everywhere. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that eventually the glass is overfilled and spilling out. In January, MD Anderson Cancer Center announced layoffs of over 1,000 people. Both Neighbor E and I had applied there, and I went on multiple interviews there. I really, REALLY wanted to get hired at MD Anderson–we both did. I’ve known many people who have gone there for cancer treatment and rave about MDA. But after the way I was treated as an applicant, I’d keep my cancer before I went there for treatment.
Then there’s NRG, who, like other big companies, laid off longtime workers to hire cheaper people. How nice they are. I hated having them as my electric service provider, especially when I had to talk to a customer service person in Mexico. How do I know? Well, the heavy accent was a dead giveaway, but of course, when asked, they told me.
I was protected from that layoff, as well as others
Other companies in Texas have laid off in 2017, too. General Dynamics IT, the Houston City Club (they closed), and others. The Houston Symphony. St. Luke’s. Even Walmart laid people off in Houston.
My brother, who has been in and out of Houston many times, told me that “Houston is full of unemployed people.” So, while I didn’t see it at the time, I was protected.
The Unwanted Visitor
Living on the Gulf Coast, you get used to star-struck meteorologists with acting experience making a big deal out of a little wind and rain. One of the Baton Rouge guys has a theatrical routine: he takes his suit jacket off and rolls up his sleeves before his actual segment when he’s talking to you about what he’s going to talk about in the weather segment. Then he puts his jacket on for his “turn.” He takes his jacket off again, exposing the rolled-up sleeves, for another “teaser,” and then for the closing segment with the news wonks and the sports guy, he’s got his jacket back on. (I prefer to depend on the Wunderground app.)
In a lot of cases, they over-dramatize things, scaring the bejeezus out of people. In September of 2005, as Hurricane Rita roared into the Gulf of Mexico, people all over Houston went bonkers. I haven’t forgotten being in traffic with Catmandu and Kismet trying to get to Austin from Clear Lake in the middle of the night, windows rolled down to avoid using the car’s AC. I was on the phone with my brother online trying to find my way through back roads to get to Austin. Hurricane Rita was coming, and it was going to wipe out Houston! It was just weeks after Katrina, and everyone panicked.
The Infamous Hell Ride
I found a Walmart open in Waller somewhere on the way, and some petrol, too. But we didn’t need to evacuate. Austin’s normally a 3-hour trip, but it took 11 hours to get there. I was exhausted. Other people had the same experience, and people died during that nightmare. They like to err on the side of caution, they’ll tell you, but going on TV and all but saying, “We’re All Gonna DIE!!!” makes people ignore you when it’s the real thing.
Unfortunately, sometimes they’re wrong.
First, there was Ike
After the Rita evacuation disaster, I had no plans to evacuate when Ike showed up. When the fire department started driving around telling people to leave, and all my neighbors were gone, I figured it was time to go. I called The E Man and told him I was coming. It was the last time I went over the Sabine River until last year. I was at their place for nine days, staying in touch at coffee shops, libraries, and other places, with my Boeing laptop. There was some serious damage, and I knew people who had water in their houses. But that was nothing compared to this year.
That was also when Catmandu hid inside their sofa. When we extracted him, he went bonkers and we had to isolate him in a closet for a few days until it was time to head home. I never considered evacuation after that!
But what if I hadn’t left? What if I’d stayed?
Then Came Harvey
The eight-year anniversary of Ike saw a new arrival. Harvey.
Nobody saw this guy coming until he took aim squarely at Texas. Rockport. Port Lavaca. Port Aransas. Matagorda. Port O’Connor. High Island. San Luis Pass. And finally, Houston. The 3rd largest county and the 4th largest city in the United States, drowned by a Category 5 hurricane. Louisiana got some of it too, in an area called Cameron in the southwest sector. After Harvey rampaged through Beaumont, Port Arthur, and a handful of other places in Texas. He had a grudge, folks. You can read a recap of it here, on Wikipedia.
The most incredible picture I saw on social media was this one:
That’s not Galveston Bay, The Sabine River, or any other body of water. That’s the I-10 freeway, between Houston and Beaumont, under about eight feet of water. This is what that stretch of land normally looks like.

From Google Maps
BF and I made four trips on that very stretch of the I-10 between Houston and Beaumont this time last year. I can’t tell you how many times in 18 years I made that drive by myself, leaving Houston for a trip. We had no idea.
Everything Flooded. Everything.
Neighbor E had a little water in his unit, but it was from a drain pipe. Many of the “new people” didn’t know to move their cars up to the easements, and their cars were flooded. LK had a tiny bit of water in her garage, but her new school flooded, and she was required to go and clean up her new classroom.
The GER had about an eighth of an inch of water in the Funk House/Junk House, which is on a slight hill. But the GER’s other neighbors had 2″ to 15″ of water, and he was helping them clean up. Aunt Ruth was willing away the water, which came up to her place three times but not inside. Aunt Kathy had to clean a flooded storage unit all by herself. Others I know and keep up with on FB had four feet of water in their houses for several days.
I was 300 miles away and didn’t have to deal with anything like that. Miss Alice was in a place that should have flooded, near Hobby Airport, but didn’t. That’s protection. Her new school was destroyed, and the Houston Independent School District (HISD) relocated them to a new school.
Neighbor E’s truck
He left it in his usual parking space, but the water didn’t get INTO the truck, just close to it:

The truck didn’t flood, thank heavens. (Used with Neighbor E’s permission.)
I can’t believe people buy SmartCars in Houston and actually drive them on the freeway, but they do. Of course, in a Chevy Silverado, or a Ford F-150, you can’t see these little insects over your hood. But there are occasions where it’s not a bad thing to have:

Seriously. . .why not just park it on your patio?
It can also come in handy here, although I have to wonder if the infamous homeowner’s association would ticket them for it:

Table for two?
“Ain’t Skeered?” You ain’t been around long enough, Honcho.
The Cleanup
Crain’s Houston puts the damage at about $50 million dollars and will take Houston years to clean up and get back to normal. Even places that normally don’t flood, are flooded. The Woodlands. Conroe. Katy. Friendswood. Galveston. You name it, they probably flooded. Although, I’m told those pictures of Southwest Airlines planes underwater at Hobby were Photoshopped.
The Complete Change Of Scenery
I used to dream about that cabin in the woods, living out of the city, and having lots of trees around. Well, I’ve got it–just not in Texas. I’ve posted pictures before of the area I call Cow Road. The whole area is like that, except the roads are better. We no longer have to take Cow Road to get to town, but when I go pay the water bill, I make it a point to go that way. It’s a beautiful ride, bumping and grinding along, with trees covering the entire airspace above the road. I drive up and down small rural highways that are surrounded by native-growth trees, older houses, and beat-up trailers next to “showcase” homes, going into town to shop at….Walmart, or on my way out somewhere.
Fellow redhead writer LM has also had a recent change of life, involving not only a new man but horsies! She’s moved her business to a farm somewhere in California (she was living in Sherman Oaks) and gets to live the ranch life. She’s safe and happy, so that’s the most important thing. I met her at Bootcamp in 2011 and kept up ever since. (Obviously, she’s better than me at the business side of copywriting.) I’m not going to Bootcamp this year but will be here at La Casa watching it live-streamed starting Wednesday evening. So glad I joined AWAI’s Circle of Success when I did, in 2011. Ah, yes, another anniversary, this one in my copywriting life.
Hatch Chiles!
Another anniversary thing. Amazingly, I managed to get some Hatch chiles this year–both Whole Foods and Rouse’s had some, and I grabbed a bunch. I also feasted on guac and chips at the Whole Foods in Metairie–you don’t get offered that in Cracker Barrel. (Not that there’s anything wrong with Cracker Barrel, OK?)

Real Hatch Chiles!
Naturally, I roasted them as I did many times in Houston, filling the house with their delicious scent.

MMMm. . .roasted.
I should have done it when *he* was at work, because all I heard was, “Oh, my GOD–what’s that horrible SMELL? It stinks in here! For God’s sake, woman, open a WINDOW!!” This is from a person who owns two stinky dogs, has a cat litter box in his house, and is frequently coated in sweat and some kind of automotive substance.
And, it gets worse.
Nutella Brownies
A couple of weeks ago, a very nice lady who is good friends with AK posted a recipe for Nutella Brownies. The recipe is simple, four eggs and a cup of that delicious Nutella. No kidding.

How can this be bad?
Carefully warm one cup of Nutella in the microwave until it’s a little bit liquid. Or, more liquid-er, I guess. Use the remainder as you like (i.e., dig it out with the little spatula and enjoy it yourself, because there isn’t much left.) Meantime, whip the heck out of the eggs.

Whip until they triple in volume, about 6 to 8 minutes.
Line your baking pan with parchment paper, and grease it, as well as a little grease on the bottom of the paper, and on the inside of the pan, primarily to hold it in place. I think I used coconut oil.

Ready to roll
Once the eggs are really, really whipped:

Like this
Admittedly, because of my favorite chocolate cake from one of Suzanne Somers’ books, I added a pinch of baking soda to the eggs before I beat them. Carefully, at this point, you start ladling in the Nutella. WARNING: if your Nutella is hot, it will cook the eggs and you will not have brownies. Make sure it’s just kind of warmed, and a bit more fluid before you start this process. A cup or so at a time, on a slower speed, until it’s all incorporated.
Bake them in a 350F oven for 25 to 30 minutes. I baked them in a rectangular pan so I could use the smaller oven because I still have no toaster oven.

Nutella Brownies!
I don’t buy Nutella often, for two reasons: one, it’s sugar, and two, I can’t stop.
You can find the recipe from The Kitchn here and the video here.
So, What Happened?
Happy Anniversary, Honey!
I thought they were delicious–rich, eggy, but not too sweet. It’s gluten-free, but you can add a half cup of flour to make them more cake-like. Pretty good, with a nice texture. BF turned his nose up at them but did make the attempt to try them. I don’t remember his comment, but it included, “well, at least I tried them.”
And after that, I don’t cook or bake anything for him that’s from the “post-Amy menu.” Everything he eats is now “pre-Amy,” unless it’s for me. There was some roast chicken and pork roast this weekend, but anything beyond that, I just cook for myself.
We’re going to see if Walmart has “Thanksgiving In A Box” this year. I’m having whatever I want, and he can make the things he likes. Is anyone coming over? Well, he knows how to make instant mashed potatoes and mac and cheese from a box.
Maybe. But definitely not to the extent I did Thanksgiving last year. There will be CrockPots involved, that’s for sure.
Otherwise. . . .
Well, we’re still here, with two hounds and a rude little cat. She doesn’t much care for me unless it’s time to feed her furry butt. She’s all about BF. Think of her like the female who goes after your man right in front of you, and that’s pretty much our cat. They don’t make them like they used to.
We did manage a little anniversary dinner at Cracker Barrel, but they don’t have any more Big Little Fudge, darnit. Just because we’re not married doesn’t mean we can’t have an anniversary, right? We have no plans to, so that’s why I call him my “partner.” Before you say, “the term ‘partner’ is just for gay couples,” no, it isn’t, and I’ve seen it both ways. But it sure confuses the heck out of people here!
Five Years of Blogging
Yes, it’s true, I’m coming up on five years of blogging. WordPress should be reminding me of that anniversary real soon.
Finally–New Glasses!
I’m still not making a LOT of money, just enough to help out and get some things I need. One thing I really, REALLY needed was new glasses to replace the old ones. When I say old, I mean FIVE YEARS OLD. No kidding. I had one pair that I wore every day and was horribly scratched, and a second pair–thank heavens–that I bought and kept only for job interviews and dress occasions. They were the last pairs I bought through the insurance I had with Boeing, and BF was starting to complain that maybe I couldn’t see well enough to drive. I reminded him that my glasses were five years old.
Back in August, I had a few dollars and got my first eye exam since April or May of 2012. At the local Walmart, no less. I got a written copy of my prescription and ordered a pair of glasses from Zenni Optical. They arrived about two weeks later in the mail, and I put them right on. I had a headache for a little while because my others were so old, and I needed a better prescription really badly. But I’m OK now. I can SEE!
You Like?
Took this picture just a couple of weeks ago in New Orleans. I wanted something different. So? Whaddaya think?
You’ll notice my hair is getting longer, too. I need to have about a two-inch trim, which I’ll get soon. It’s somewhat thinner than before, but it’s definitely a lot longer than it’s been in years. Like, since about 2004, I think. But I’m also back taking vitamins and still using the organic plant-based hair color, so maybe it will grow in thicker. Fingers crossed.
I use this pic on Facebook as my new profile shot. Someone commented on my “flawless complexion” and asked, “what’s your secret?” My response: “an app.”
I do plan to get at least a couple more pairs of glasses in different styles, and if I can make enough money, another pair like these to have a backup. Wish I’d started doing this years ago–I always bought from Target, but not anymore.
Until next time. . . .
Many thanks for sticking with me. I will try to finish some posts up soon and get them published.
Happy Dining!
Hello, again, Dear Readers:
Welcome to another edition of What’s She Up To This Time? A lot, as it turns out.
I’m back with another dispatch from the wilds of rural Louisiana. (OK, OK, we do have “city water.”) Yes, I’m still missing Houston terribly, but I’m getting better. A little. Maybe. OK, not so much. (BF helps a lot.) We finally went back to get the rest of my stuff from Neighbor E’s place in Houston last Wednesday, who graciously stored it in every nook and cranny of his place since I moved. Many thanks, and we finally got it all out and into the new HeatCageKitchen location. But I’m glad to finally bring you this incredibly delicious recipe courtesy of friend of the blog AC, complete with a printed PDF for you on the Recipes page.
But first, some news.
Once we loaded everything on the trailer and in the truck, which took about 2 hours, I made BF take me back to our fabulous HEB in Clear Lake for one last trip. (It was on our way to SH 146, which took us to I-10 anyway.) In addition to some good HEB milk, applewood smoked bacon and 3 dozen extra large eggs from Texas chickens, I got 2 more jars of Mom’s Hatch Apple Pie Filling for our special cake (he loved it), so I can make it again for him one day. Also picked up a turkey breast (they were out of thighs, darnit) some chicken leg quarters, pork chops and a few other things I can’t get here. Had just enough room in the ice chest for the meat, milk and a bag of ice; the eggs and the new basil plant sat in the truck with us–and not one broken egg, either. I was only able to bring four plants with me, and you know I want more basil for pesto, so I bought the basil since the one at E’s didn’t make it.
I was planning to publish this a week ago, after a trip to nearby Hammond for a job interview. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen, we went to Houston the next day, and we’ve been quite busy ever since. I’m nearly finished clearing out the back room, and setting up my new “studio” back there. I’m hoping to paint it soon, too, soon as I figure out what color scheme would be good for a cool, sophisticated office look back there.
In a part of the US that doesn’t even have recycling.
BF had a special request for me the other morning. “Would you make me some breakfast before I head to work?” Of course! Immediately, I saw myself putting on an apron and sweeping through the kitchen to make a full English breakfast for him, sending him off to work happy he asked. However, this is what he requested:

Yes. Pancake Mix from Walmart.
Oh, yes, she did. Didn’t take long. (You can see my coffee brewing, right?) Appropriately, he put this on top of it:
You don’t want to know what makes it “taste like butter.” It’s primarily soybean oil, GMO and hydrogenated and all that. He did get an earful, don’t worry. It’s a crock, that’s for sure—but he likes it, so I fixed him up, and he was happy with it. I’m working on it.
Anyway. . .I’m sleeping a little better these days. That’s a gift that doesn’t come wrapped in a box.
I still haven’t replaced the drip tray on the Griddler, but I have used it (carefully.) It’s a $10 part, and probably another $5 or $10 for shipping, but right now, it’s gotta wait. Last night I made Stuffles, or stuffing waffles, from that book, (his fault, he asked for stuffing with the pork chops, and I couldn’t resist) with “stuffing mix” from a box, and waffled a ham & cheese sandwich the other night after he came home from work.
Long story, but it’s looking like the mighty Cuisinart counter top oven may need to be replaced. It survived the trip, but it is at least 6 years old, and traveling in the back of the White Knight may have done it in. More on this story later.
I just wish I could have landed in The Woodlands, but, oh, well. It’s a hideout from the world here, that’s for sure. Cow Road is always a nice little drive, complete with numerous judgmental bovines that look at you like you really don’t belong on their turf. BF likes to call it “Cow Patty Road,” and he’s got some other funny names for things.
Oh, and BF prays a lot more now. Usually when I get behind the wheel of the White Knight.
Friend of the blog AK made a suggestion while I was writing the last post (I was at the library, and we were chatting on Skype.) AK said, “make this detour part of your blog. People are so tired of fake Barbie-style women bloggers. ‘I’m a busy mom four boys and married to my high school sweetheart! I’m obsessed with making everything from scratch, from meals to home décor. I do it all!’” I do hope that I’ve done that, particularly with The Dislocated Texan, and I’ll continue to write it as I see it. After I finished that post, and after chatting with AK, I realized, as I always say, “I’m not FoodBabe.”
HeatCageKitchen is the real thing. It’s about the good, the bad, and the absolutely disgusting. I’ve written about all three. I’m a Texan, now and forever, and I don’t mess around. (I hung up that sign in the kitchen, BTW.) Maybe I should learn to make real Texas kolaches for BF one of these days. We didn’t stop for kolaches while we were there, but maybe next time.
Enough of that.
You may remember that earlier this year, AC was coming to dinner nearly every week, and I was trying out new things on her as an new official taste-tester. AC enjoyed everything, then things changed and she just stopped coming by. I though I’d insulted her, but it was just that her schedule changed. She’s happily working now in a new job, at the same place as her new BF. They just moved into a house so they can be closer to work. AC will be in a district with many SGI members I used to know when I first moved to Houston in 1998, as well as be within a few miles of Central Market, IKEA, two locations of Trader Joe’s, The Container Store, and a number of other great places that I no longer have short-drive access to. Well, there’s always the websites, and Baton Rouge.
I went to the SGI Community Center in New Orleans a couple of weekends ago, and since me and BF have been a bit skint (that is, “kind of broke”) I couldn’t just stop somewhere for a coffee—I didn’t have coffee money! (I’m used to stopping for a coffee occasionally, so this was a bit of a shock, but we know it’s temporary.) On the way there, I facetiously thought to myself, “now, where can I mooch a free coffee today?” I wasn’t going anywhere to ask, of course, it was just a stray thought, being silly. I was OK, I had some at home, and I was fine. Soon as I find my little green vacuum bottle, I’ll be taking Pea & Pesto soup with me on longer trips like that. Especially since BF does *not* like Pea & Pesto Soup.
Once I got to the Center and backed The White Knight in the last spot available, I sat down in the back corner of the main room, hoping nobody would recognize me. I really didn’t want to explain that my life has completely unraveled, I left behind everything I knew for 18 years, a wonderful man drove to Houston to move me to his house, and I’m embarrassed to be anywhere near New Orleans. (I’m still getting those “no thanks” emails from places in Houston that I’ve applied to.) That didn’t work, and I left after the first hour. I just didn’t feel like I belonged there. I was recognized by a couple of the members I used to hang out with years ago, and figured it was time to leave. I didn’t get to talk to NM, who was there, and texted her that I fled.
Friend of the blog E Man knew I was there, and he was sitting up front while I sat on the back row, in the corner. Guess it was too soon for me to go. Driving on I-10 West, E Man called, and asked me to stop by and see him before I returned to my new rural hideaway. I was at the Bonnabel exit, and he told me how to get to his place from where I was, just a few exits away. Eight years is a long time to remember the directions to someone’s place, but E Man is better than Google Maps, and I arrived just before he did. I got to play with his cats, met one of his friends, and fiddled with his computer and printer so he could print again. After downloading the updated print drivers, it still didn’t work, but the printer might be too old for a Windows 10 laptop. Since this was now beyond my skills and expertise, I suggested he talk to his brother who is a bit more tech-savvy than I am. Despite the headache I developed, at least I felt a bit useful before I took the 60+ minute drive north. (I-10 West is also how you get to Houston.)
One of the things I needed to do was get a bottle of Bragg’s Liquid Aminos for this recipe. I forgot when I was in Baton Rouge two weeks ago, darnit, and I’m sure Whole Foods would have had it. (I didn’t get that job, either.) They had nearly everything else I needed, but of course, I plum forgot after the ridiculous ride through traffic-clogged Baton Rouge to get there. (Almost like driving on I-610 West near the Galleria in Houston.) After I walked out of the Buddhist Center on Sunday, I relied on Apple Maps to get me to Whole Foods Uptown, and it was a straight drive up Prytania Street. Well, everything was fine until I got to Louisiana Avenue. Since there’s construction going on, you can’t take a left at Louisiana, you can only turn right onto it. The app doesn’t mention that little detail, either. This means you now have to drive down Louisiana Avenue to find a way to make a U-turn elsewhere so you can drive in the other direction to Whole Foods. Well. . .I didn’t make it that far, I only got to the corner of St. Charles and Louisiana and stopped. What’s at that corner?
See, they didn’t close the stores in Louisiana, only Texas and three other states. (Baton Rouge and Mandeville also have one.) But it didn’t dawn on me to try The Fresh Market, only Whole Foods.
I walked in and felt a little more at home. There, in a smaller space than the one we had in Clear Lake, was everything I remembered. (The wine section is upstairs, but I didn’t need to go up there; the Clear Lake store had everything on one floor.) I prowled a bit and saw. . .the coffee. Oh, but darnit! No money for coffee, only for the Bragg’s! Except. . .there are also sample cups. So, I picked up a sample cup, added a packet of pink and a little half-and-half and sampled some delicious, welcome hot Chocolate Cherry coffee. Walked around for a minute and found the Bragg’s, then circled back to refill that sample cup, Bragg’s in my hand.
I did that four or five times while I looked at the fully stocked shelves of goods not available at Winn-Dixie. So I actually *did* get hot, fresh, free coffee, and Chocolate Cherry flavor, too! It just wasn’t all at once. There weren’t many people in the store on Sunday morning at 11:15 am, and they looked rather sullen when they saw me. (Red-haired Texans get that look a lot.) My nice male cashier had a “man bun,” too, which greatly amused my military buzz-cut BF when I told him. Otherwise, nobody said anything. However, this particular trip, I just said “thank you” to the Universe for giving me some free coffee, in Chocolate Cherry flavor. It was greatly appreciated on a day where I was not feeling up to it.
BF was at work all day Sunday, and since I got home about 2:30 or so, I decided to take a nap before he returned. I didn’t hear him arrive, and he didn’t wake me or tell me he was home, he just got busy with it in the kitchen and cooked some delicious dinner for us. I smelled the cooking, but thought it was part of the weird dream I was having. What a sweetie. I did all the dishes for us.
Finally, I got all the ingredients together, since that was the last bit of the puzzle. I can show you how to make this amazing, delicious and easy bean dish that I’ve been talking about for weeks, and we can have for years to come. (Well, I will, anyway.)

The setup (minus the Balsamic vinegar, I forgot.)
Yes, this is a lot of stuff for a pot of beans. But it’s worth it. (And of course, I forgot to include the Balsamic vinegar in this picture.)
Neighbor E, who is still a good friend but is no longer a “neighbor,” has been volunteering at the Clear Lake Food Pantry for some time, and has occasionally given me things that he either doesn’t want, has too much of, or wouldn’t ordinarily use. This wasn’t all the time, just on occasion (and I loved all the coleslaw, too.) Pinto beans are a staple in Texas, but I haven’t tried to buy them in Louisiana just yet. These are the last of them that he gave me before I moved to BF’s place, so he gets credit here, too.
There are a few steps, but it’s really simple. Start by rinsing the beans, of course.

Clean beans are best!
And add them into the slow cooker thingy, then fill it ¾ with water:
And add the diced onions and garlic:

Peeling garlic is so easy with one of these.

Any excuse to use the garlic doo-dad!


This was a small onion, but I think it was too much.

Toss it all in.
I put a whole small onion in this batch, but I think it should be less than that, maybe no more than a third or a scant half cup of chopped onion. Also, I’d chop it a little finer, maybe use the food processor next time. Next batch may include green onions, since I’ve already started growing some in the kitchen window. This batch, I put too much onion in it, I think.
Cook up the half-cup salt pork or bacon (this was Trader Joe’s bacon pieces from my Houston kitchen.)

Chop and add that in.

The paper bowl helps with the drainage. And, it just happened to be really handy.

Getting there!
Then shake in the salt, pepper, Balsamic Vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, Liquid Aminos, and chicken stock:
Stir it up a little:

Just a little stir, nothing serious.
And follow Amy’s directions for any slow-cooker recipe: Put the lid on, plug it in, turn it on and leave it alone. For at least eight hours, but of course, longer won’t hurt them. (Just don’t forget, OK?)
Hours later, you’ll smell them first, then have this:

Miss Alice’s Magic Beans!
Of course, *before* I got to cooking them, BF took me into town for some errands. . .which should have happened after I put the beans in the slow cooker. They really do take at least 8 hours to cook. He cooked a pot of rice, but the beans were still kind of hard later in the evening. Next time, prep in the morning. But on the taste factor, it was two thumbs up. Finally, I made something else he liked!
When you smell these beans, you’ll understand why I make a big deal about them. They really are the best beans I’ve ever had. You’ll say the same thing when you make them. They really are that good.
Sunday family dinner? Make a double batch. You’ll need it.
Of course, I didn’t wash dishes beforehand, so this is what was waiting off-camera:

Oh, well.
But all was well at the new HeatCageKitchen.
Another Sunday brought me to a Buddhist meeting on this side of the world, and found. . .The Fresh Market in Mandeville! So there’s a new adventure to tell you about in the quick dinner department. Of course, my Texas readers will be green with envy. . .plus, there’s Hatch chilies involved!
As always, the printable PDF is available on the Recipes page. I hope to bring you more tasty recipes and ideas again soon.
Many thanks to AC for not only letting my try these wonderful beans, but giving me the recipe so I could share it with everyone.