Now that the holidays are finally done and dusted, turn on your favorite Spotify playlist, and let’s get back on track. Happy New Year!
Hi, Again, Dear Readers:
Mail carriers, UPS drivers, and others who deliver packages are glad that the holidays are over and we can all get back to our normal lives. I thought I’d drop in and do a quick blog post to say Happy New Year! Because the last year wasn’t all that great, and neither were a couple of others.
I’m almost finished with the second blog on the rest of our Houston trip. . .in 2022. Now it’s 2024, I just need to upload it and install the pictures, which are minimal in this blog.
In With The New. . . .
Don’t give me that “New Year, New You” stuff. It implies that there is something wrong with the current or old you. Unless there is something badly wrong, you don’t need to “fix” anything, just make some adjustments to get what you want. Admittedly, that comment sells a lot of products to the American public, doesn’t it?
Yes, it’s 2024, and there are all kinds of things to help you with your “New Year’s Resolutions!” That would not be me, of course. If you want to clean up your diet, which is always a good thing, I’m always going to try and find (and make) healthy food for us. Sometimes you’re out or on vacation and that goes by the wayside.
Most of us know that resolutions usually last from one to six weeks into the new year. Few people actually accomplish them as intended. But it’s not for lack of trying for a few days. Real life comes back with a vengeance and throws the proverbial bucket of cold water at you. Then, that new routine you’d planned just doesn’t fit. Or whatever goes wrong. Been there, done that, as we all have.
Reading And Exercise Are Fundamental
One of my actual real resolutions is to read more this year. I have a couple dozen books stacked on my coffee table that I want to get through. Included is Suzanne Somers’s last book, A New Way To Age. I bought it and several more recently after watching AWAI’s annual Copywriting Bootcamp. These were books either referenced or written by the speakers. I have others I’ve bought elsewhere, and they’re all mostly business books. I also want to go back and watch the replays of several of the sessions.
During a recent power outage, I managed to finish reading two books that I’d already started. They weren’t terribly long reads. The first was one for copywriters and their clients by Kim Krause Schwalm, and one was on ChatGPT, which I’m still learning. But I want to make sure these books don’t just collect dust, I need to know what’s inside all of them.
It’s also a good time to get back on my previous resolution, the Sunny Row & Ride #077, which happens to be under $100 at the moment.

It’s a great piece of equipment. . .when I use it. (Source: Sunny Health & Fitness website.)
I’m not saying you need a Row & Ride. (They actually have three versions of it now.) I wanted one for myself after seeing a commercial for something more expensive, and I’m glad I bought mine. Sunny Health & Fitness is a good company, too, and has its own YouTube Channel with free workouts that don’t all require equipment.
Getting Fit Isn’t Expensive
You do not need to join a gym or spend too much money. Remember:
- If you have a bike, you can ride it, even in the house with a bike trainer stand in front of your TV. Mine came from eBay several years ago.
- If you can move and have sidewalks or other available safe amenities in the area, you can walk.
- If you can’t walk, or have limited mobility, even light weights are good for strength training.
- An inexpensive bike pedal exerciser is also great for getting movement. Walmart has these too.
- YouTube has millions of exercise videos for every level of fitness, most for free, just find what works for you. From gentle yoga to the most difficult weight and kettlebell workouts, it’s available 24/7 at the touch of a button. Pick one and start. Don’t like it? Find another one and save it–the choices are endless.
- Your local public library likely has exercise videos you can borrow for free to see what you like, whether it’s yoga, Pilates, weightlifting, kettlebells, or anything else. This is especially true of the Freeman Library in Clear Lake, where they can get you seemingly endless things on VHS, DVD, and on-demand online. For many libraries, you can request them online and pick them up at the counter.
Amazon is the perfect place to research something you’re thinking about with info from both the manufacturer and people who bought it, even if you don’t buy it there. Furthermore, you may find something equal to the thing you’re considering but a less expensive model. That’s how I came across the Row & Ride. Heck, Five Below has plastic push-up stands for $5 right now, just like these from Amazon for $10.
Just make sure you don’t buy something with which to hurt yourself. Self-inflicted injuries are not a great way to start your new year.
Buy Sustainable, Buy Used
If you want a new exercise bike or other fitness equipment but don’t have a big budget, check out Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, (exercise care with these, and don’t pay in advance) eBay, or local thrift stores run by nonprofits.
People buy things with the best of intentions, and after dusting them multiple times, eventually want them out of the house. Some have been used once or twice, just like sewing machines. Now’s a great time to score something for less than you’d pay retail for new, and help someone clear out their space or who needs a little post-holiday cash. Use Amazon as a research site and go from there.
Sitting too much and being sedentary just isn’t good, because one day moving might not happen anymore. I was told that a long time ago by a lady right after her knee replacement.
Motion Before Motivation
Sometimes you’ll hear someone say, “I’m trying to get motivated.” Or someone is just sitting and waiting for the motivation to come to them like this woman waiting forever for divine intervention. Well, you could be waiting for years for that or to get motivated to do something. I have a suggestion: just get started and the motivation will come to you.
How I know this is a self-help book I need to re-read myself: Motion Before Motivation by Michael Dolpies. Someone mentioned it one day in a Facebook group for copywriters, and I bought the book on February 2, 2016. (Thank you, Amazon for that bit of data.) Get started doing it, whatever it is, and the motivation will come. That’s the theme, although there’s a little more to it than that. Just pulled it from my bookshelf and will be adding it to the coffee table stacks.
If I had one of those fancy, expensive Peloton bikes with a book rack on it, I might be reading it on that. Truth to tell, you can find an exercise bike for much less—even Aldi has a foldable one for under $75.
Our Holiday Week
We’re still here and getting on each other’s nerves, as I like to tell people. For Christmas, I made BF some comfy pajamas out of a modal knit I found at Girl Charlee Fabrics called Unimpressed Bear:

They came out great, and he loves them.
They’re warm and comfortable, although I need to take the pants up a little for him. When I saw the fabric in July, I knew it would become pajamas for him, because he hates cold weather. It didn’t last long–right after I bought some, it sold out completely.
Otherwise, our holiday period wasn’t always joyous. Many things went sideways, and I ended up throwing in the towel Christmas Day on cooking after two finger cuts, a burn, and a hard nibble from TigerCat, aka, furry little terrorist.
TigerCat And Broccoli Stir-Fry

There she is, a little puddle of fluffy orange fur.
Twice, this orange beast walked outside on her own for a grand adventure.

Isn’t she so cute? She’s small and fast, too. I was hoping the open window would get her back inside.
The first time she stayed out all day, roaming the property like the Norwegian Forest cat that she is, with Broccoli Stirfry keeping a close eye.
BF was going to try and catch her when he got home. He texted me when he was leaving work, and asked me to bring the dog inside. When I did that, she walked back into the house with the dog like she was returning home from work.
Yesterday, she slipped out unnoticed while I was dealing with the dog. When she discovered it was cold, about 32 degrees, she loudly howled at BF to be allowed back inside. We think she was outside two or three hours before he found her on the patio.
Back To Cooking
Anyway, BF finished the Christmas Day cooking, and we ate that afternoon. I didn’t bake any cookies this year, either. Plans for a keto copycat version of Starbucks Cranberry Bliss Bars also didn’t happen. I may do that next week because I have everything I need, including the Sugar-Free Dried Cranberries that I made in the Dash dehydrator.

You can do this yourself, the recipe explains how, either in the oven or the dehydrator.
And I didn’t get a real CBB because three different Starbucks stores I visited said they sold out of them very quickly long before Christmas.

Blog post on this one of these days too.
Dash’s entire website is 20% off sitewide through the 7th if you’re interested in one of these or any of their other little appliances (code “NEWYEAR.”)
Our New Year’s Eve involved some cocktails (he had no alcohol), some delicious cheeses, and crackers in front of the TV. But that’s OK, too, we had some nice quality time on New Year’s Eve, and we both enjoyed our cocktails. Need to find more drinks like that.
Out With The Old. . . .
Everything changes, yes? Sometimes it happens in the new year, sometimes it just happens.
I mentioned that we had guests for Thanksgiving, following a visit in July. Both times it was someone from Houston I know for a long time. Well, they won’t be returning, like, ever, nor appearing in this blog again.
On New Year’s Day, I received a text message from Miss Alice, visiting relatives in Florida, telling me that she did not want to continue our friendship. Like she was canceling a Netflix subscription. I said, “OK, Good luck” and proceeded to ensure that she would not see me on social media or my phone number again. Didn’t think fast enough to say “Bye, Felicia.” She’s not on the blog email list, and I removed her email from the back end of the site. However, there’s no stopping anyone from locating and reading the website and blog on the open web. Not that I care, really, and I doubt that will happen. Good luck, God bless ya.
BF has been very supportive since we saw this stunning text. Conversations with The E Man and nearby friends J&B reminded me that I do have friends like them, plus Rafael, Aunt Ruth, Aunt Kathy, and so many others. YouTube videos by funnyman Jeff Dunham also helped.
One thing I’m thinking about in the new year is to either start a new blog or a podcast and call it, “What The Hell Is Wrong With You People?” BF and I read and hear so many stories about people who may not qualify for the Darwin Awards but show that they could indeed be in the running. Finding one person to highlight for a weekly podcast would not be difficult, just read the news. I’ve already downloaded podcasting software and tested it, so don’t tempt me.
It’s Coming, Honest
The pictures are what will take the longest to finish up the blog on our trip. I hope you’ll see it as worth the wait.
Meantime, we go forward in the new year because there’s no going back, not yet. If there was, I’d be heading back to my 16th birthday with some serious warnings to my younger self.
Happy New Year!!
Chocolate cake in a single serving is always a good thing, especially when it’s keto. I’ve got a quick and easy chocolate mug cake that you can make and enjoy anytime.
Hi again, Dear Readers:
It’s been over a month since my last blog post, and for that, I apologize. We did a little traveling, and it’s been go-go-go since we got back. Maybe I need to listen to Stephanie O’Dea’s Slow Living Podcast, if I could find the time. I’ll tell you more about our trip in a future blog post.
I intended to post this much earlier. With the Holidays bearing down on us there’s a lot happening for nearly everyone. Things are about to get very busy and complicated for many people. As I was once told by a former supervisor at Boeing, “we’re getting into the time of year where a month is not a month.” For those working in the corporate sector, it means vacations, either yours or someone else’s. Many people will be gone for days, and probably when you need them the most. That’s been my experience, so be forewarned.
But at the Casa de Rurale, we’re debating on whether we want to tackle that backroom area where all the Christmas stuff is stored behind a bunch of other things or leave it for another year. I’m guessing we’re probably going to try later.
Meantime, let me catch you up on our recent happenings.
My Birthday
Before our trip, it was my birthday. I did make a Swerve chocolate keto cake, although we didn’t “do” anything because we had a trip the next week. I made some chocolate buttercream icing from Suzanne Somers’ book Somersize Desserts but using the same 1:1 sweetener you see in this post. Then rushed the process so the icing’s texture was a bit clumpy:

Chocolate birthday cake!
But it was still delicious and we enjoyed a keto/low-carb/Somersized (sort of) chocolate cake. Earlier in the day, I made it to Starbucks for my birthday treat:
The protein box wouldn’t ring up, so it ended up being the drink that was free. I was also running errands so I needed a bite.
The Banana Rat Gets Married
We went to Houston for a few days, finally. It was a short trip with multiple mishaps, but we made it there and back just fine. After hiring a local sitter on the Rover app, we solved the problem of who to ask to take care of things while we were gone.

Yup. This little cutie loves to sneak outside. Thank heavens she’s chipped.
We couldn’t see everyone and go everywhere, but we did make it to our intended destination and made a few in-person visits. Zoom calls just aren’t the same. It was good to see some folks after so long away. BF was his usual very entertaining self.
The focus of the trip: our favorite web guy, Rafael, aka “Banana Rat,” recently married his longtime partner, Carmen. It was a beautiful wedding at an incredibly gorgeous place called The Springs of Magnolia. The venue is in Magnolia TX, north of Katy, and about a 45-minute drive north from Katy on the Grand Parkway.
Their wedding was at the Stonebridge venue. The actual ceremony was outside, with cocktail hour on the porch including delicious appetizers, then the full reception inside. The building is nestled in a grove of pine trees with fountains and bridges for picturesque views. Pinehaven has a long porch area that goes around the entire building. The weather was perfect, and I’ll tell you more about the wedding and the wonderful food in a future blog post.
Meantime, here’s a picture that Rafael put on social media not long after the wedding.

They just look so good together.
I managed a selfie with Rafael during the busy reception, too:

My buddy and “Boeing Brother.”
We took our own pictures, of course, and were close enough to get some great shots. I’ve since shared them with Rafael, once I figured out the most efficient method to do that. More in a future blog post.
The Double Chocolate Mug Cake
I’m piggybacking on my last blog post about the new book Easy Dirty Keto by Emilie Bailey. I decided to try this recipe after I published that blog. I intended to publish either before we left for Houston, or right after we got back. That didn’t happen. Finally, when I’m caught up a little bit, I have the time to finish up.
To make things easy, I’ll put the printable recipe right here so you can print your own copy. It’s an easy, fast recipe, and it takes just a few minutes. If you don’t have sugar-free chocolate chips on hand, you can skip it—because, let’s face it, you may just snack on the chocolate chips anyway. There’s also an unusual ingredient that you might not be expecting, but it works well here.

Double Chocolate Mug Cake
- 3 tbsp Keto yellow cake mix (from a box) See note below if you don't have a box of this
- 1 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise
- 1 large egg
- 2 tsp water
- 1 tbsp sugar-free chocolate chips
- In a mug, combine cake mix with cocoa powder and mix well. Add mayo, egg, and water; stir well to combine. Mix in the chocolate chips
- Put the mug into the microwave and cook on high for 1 minute to 1 minute and 20 seconds, until the cake is firm but still glossy. If you're using a large mug, you may need to cook for a few more seconds.
- Top as desired and enjoy.
- NOTE: if you do not have a boxed keto cake mix, stir together 2 tablespoons of almond flour, 1 tablespoon of 1:1 granulated sweetener, ¼ teaspoon of baking powder, and a pinch of salt. Mix together, then proceed with Step 1.
Now let me show you how to make one when you just really need some chocolate cake.
How To Make It
Like many of the mug cake recipes you see on Pinterest, Instagram, and other places, there are only two steps here, and the third is optional.

The setup
First, you mix the cake mix and the cocoa powder in a cup.

Just a little
Then add the wet ingredients: mayonnaise, egg, and two teaspoons of water.

Yes, mayo. No, you can’t taste it.
Stir it well, then stir in the chocolate chips if you’re using them.

Just a tablespoon
Stir them in:
Next, microwave it on high for one minute to one minute and 20 seconds. Emilie says, “until the cake is firm but still glossy.” A larger mug takes a few more seconds or a microwave that’s not as powerful. I think our microwave takes one minute and 30 seconds to be completely done. Just don’t cook it too long.

At this point, you can sprinkle on a little bit more of the 1:1 sweetener, you could put a little whipped cream on it, or just eat it as is. I usually skip the embellishments because I think it’s fine right out of the microwave. But if you put, say, some sugar-free raspberry preserves on top when it’s done, I won’t judge.
Mayonnaise In Cake?
Yes, you read that right, and I’m guessing Aunt Ruth and Aunt Kathy are nodding their heads in agreement. I’ve heard of it before, but never tried it myself, until now. And, honestly, I thought it was a horrible idea. But Emilie comments in the book that she’s tried multiple recipes for cake in a cup but they tended to be too dry or too “eggy.” The addition of a tablespoon of mayo makes it rich and fudgy, just like a cake should be. You don’t taste the mayo, honest.
No, I haven’t told BF.
You can read more about mayo in cakes in this article on Epicurious’ website with links to other recipes, including this one by BestFoods/Hellman’s using their own mayo. Apparently it’s a “secret ingredient” in chocolate and other cakes that gives it richness and moistness. Here’s another chocolate mayo cake recipe from Taste of Home. Warning: unlike Emilie’s recipe, these cakes aren’t keto, and are both whole cakes.
The Keto Cake Mix Dilemma
Like many people, I haven’t bought much in the way of prepared keto products. There are so many keto things in most grocery stores now. Of course, you must read through everything to know if it really is keto or just something with the “keto” name pasted on it. I’ve seen a few things that claimed to be keto, but they contained wheat or other things in them that disqualified them from being “keto.” But then again, there’s “dirty” keto, too, but I don’t want wheat at all.
What I really like about this recipe, and what made me try it, was Emily’s note to tell you how to make it with other ingredients. Well, I had them, and I appreciated the note on making them without buying a full box of cake mix. Since discovering this little variable, I’ve enjoyed this chocolate cake in a mug several times.
Instead of the boxed mix, you simply whisk together 2 tablespoons of almond flour, one tablespoon of granulated 1:1 sweetener, ¼ teaspoon of baking powder, and a pinch of salt for your cake base.

The setup, part 2
That replaces the three tablespoons of the boxed yellow keto cake mix. Just mix it up and proceed with the recipe.

Just Like this
Ready For A Little Keto Chocolate Cake?
Really, I wish I’d done this before, but I’m glad I finally got around to trying this recipe.
Miss Alice has not had the pleasure of making any recipes from the book yet, but she’s planning on doing some while she’s off for Thanksgiving break. I highly recommended this recipe and a couple of others to her so that she and her daughter don’t have to rely on mac and cheese or some other “instant” thing when they get home at night. But they still haven’t gotten around to using a slow cooker during the week just yet.
This chocolate cake is an easy and fast keto dessert that makes just one serving whenever you’re ready. You don’t have to make an entire cake, just one little cup of cake. And isn’t that what you need sometimes just to hit the spot?
Vegetarian and keto are two words many people believe are incompatible. Emilie Bailey, a/k/a “The Texas Granola Girl,” is here to show you that they can work together.
Hi, Again, Dear Readers:
Well, we’re a couple of weeks into 2022. Have you forgotten your resolutions already? Not me! I haven’t made any. After the last two years, who’s doing that, anyway?
Mother Nature’s bipolar weather patterns are literally having us all use our heaters at night and air conditioners during the day and then swap in a couple of days. This week we may be looking at snow in our area, and north Houston will not be spared that winter treat. (The prospect of snow does not make BF very happy.)
- New Readers
- The Post-Holiday Reset
- Getting A Move On
- Going Vegetarian?
- Vegetarian Keto
- Types Of Vegetarians
- Why Go Vegetarian?
- Versatile Sandwich Round, Page 31
- Turmeric & Avocado Egg Salad, Page 87
- Open-Faced Pizza Omelette, Page 60
- Keto Pizza
- Dark Chocolate-Macadamia Clusters, page 126
- Frozen Hot Chocolate, Page 129
- There Is Tofu
- About Organic
- What It Means
- Good Food No Matter Your Persuasion
- Until Next Time
New Readers
I discovered recently that I have two new readers. Welcome! This humble little blog is nine years old and contains information about food, cooking, foodie trends, some health and wellness, and the occasional contrarian opinion. Also included are anecdotes and sometimes extra information that may or may not be useful, depending on your perspective. New trends (i.e., the Instant Pot and the Air Fryer) are highlighted as well as updates and features from other bloggers who write more than I do. Stick around, you might find something you like. Check out my recipe page, which I need to update soon.
So let’s jump right into 2022!
The Post-Holiday Reset
The rich food of the holidays is over, and it’s time to get back to eating healthier. Hobby Lobby had this, and, well:

I couldn’t resist.
Yes, died and went to heaven. It’s fantastic with corn chips. Until I got halfway through the jar and read the ingredients. First up: sugar. I was heartbroken, but it didn’t stop me. I did buy one more, and that was the end of the dip.
Plus, I gave in to the Cranberry Bliss Bar, despite the large price increase since my first in about 2007:

I’ve never forgotten these since my first
BF was not interested in this Starbucks holiday standard, and I can’t even get him interested in trying a little bit. But copycat recipes abound, so I could conceivably make some any time of year, such as the upcoming Valentine’s Day.
But today, it’s time to re-set and get back to eating healthier. I fell off the wagon a few times, but not for the entire six weeks.
Getting A Move On
I’m exercising when I can, and bought this “resolution” back in June:

The Sunny Health And Fitness Row & Ride (picture from Amazon)
The mail lady was not happy about delivering the 25-pound package. (It does require some assembly, which BF cheerfully handled because he’s a guy.) She remembers when BF shipped home boxes of tools and things before he returned from Iraq.
If you consider buying the Row ‘N Ride, know that it has a strict 220-pound weight limit. That’s OK for me, BF, Miss Alice, and Aunt Ruth. But not for one of BF’s car-guy friends, who has himself gone keto and lost a considerable amount of weight. The man is also well over six feet and over that weight limit, so I had to stop him from hopping on my machine. The company makes a Pro model with a weight limit of 300 pounds, which would be more suited for him.
Sunny Health & Fitness has a wide range of home health equipment, from small things like ab wheels and yoga mats to elliptical bicycles, rowing machines, and the Row & Ride. The company also has a YouTube channel that’s free. They frequently post content including workout videos on Instagram and Facebook. Many of their videos don’t require exercise equipment, such as body weight routines and even yoga.
For some folks, the New Year “diet” means going to or back to keto, low carb, paleo, low-fat, or whatever way of eating you prefer. Others may be considering the non-carnivore route. And for that, I’ve got your back.
Going Vegetarian?
I know, I know–the word “vegetarian” has you turned off already. Right now, I can hear you turning your nose up. (Except you, Miss Alice.) Well, today, I’m going to change that.

Tasty and fast!
Emilie Bailey’s newest book is all about vegetarian food that’s also keto-friendly. Vegetarian Keto In 30 Minutes has some wonderful recipes that both vegetarians and non-veg people alike can enjoy. Yes, even maybe BF. But we’re not converting, just eating some tasty and different recipes.
In the intro, Emilie explains that the recipes are quick, and don’t require any ingredients that are hard to get, even here, no complicated cooking methods, nor any expensive kitchen stuff. That’s appealing even to non-vegetarians like myself.
Vegetarian Keto
“Yes, but, Amy, isn’t keto all about eating lots of organic meat and dairy?” No, it isn’t, actually. Keto, as I’ve said previously, is pretty much “Low Carb 2.0.” There are macros, but not really calorie counting. The thing is, you can’t over-eat fat without upsetting or hurting your stomach. Real fats make you stop at some point, whereas you can overeat carbs all day long.
If you’ve ever polished off a bag of chips and salsa, you know what I’m talking about. Don’t get me started on chips and salsa in a Mexican restaurant. If you’re in Texas, you know very well what that means.
Emilie’s book takes keto into the vegetarian genre of cooking, because she enjoys vegetables, and had plenty of recipes to focus just on this type. When most people hear the word “vegetarian,” the words that come to mind tend to be things like “bean sprouts,” “wheatgrass” and “soybean ‘meat.'” I’m happy to tell you this is not the case in Emilie’s book. The recipes aren’t difficult, either, and there’s something for nearly everyone here.
The short review: good food to be had here, and you don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy them. Honest.
Types Of Vegetarians
If you’re not completely familiar with the concept, there are a few “flavors” of the non-meat genre:
- Vegetarians, who just don’t eat meat
- Pescatarians, who are vegetarians but also eat fish
- Lacto-vegetarians, who consume dairy but no eggs
- Ovo-vegetarians, who consume eggs but no dairy
- Lacto-ovo vegetarians, who consume both dairy and eggs
- Flexitarians, who generally don’t eat meat but do once in a while or alternate between veg and carnivore
- Vegans, who only consume plant-based foods, including plant milk and products like almond, soy, oat, rice, and others
- Raw vegans, who eat plant-based food that’s uncooked, or “unprocessed plant foods that have not been heated above 115 degrees Fahrenheit.” (I’ll pass–I still like sweet potato fries, thanks.)
Emilie’s book focuses on lacto-ovo recipes. There are multiple egg-based recipes in the book, one of which I’ll show you.
Why Go Vegetarian?
Everyone has a different reason for going veg. You can ask five people and you’ll get five completely different and diverse answers.
Miss Alice accidentally became vegetarian, no kidding. During Hurricane Harvey in 2017, she and her daughter were running low on things, so she just ate rice and veg and gave her daughter the protein. Discovering she liked being vegetarian, and it worked for her, Miss Alice kept up with it. Because she included fish, that actually made her a pescatarian.
Many people have a specific idea of what the word means. Walk into nearly any American grocery store, and you’ll see offerings like these:

Chorizo made of soy.
I can’t say I know any Hispanic folk who would welcome that in their tamales. Or any gringos, for that matter. But there is a market, and our local Walmart carries it. I pass it up the same way I did in Texas. But there are people who buy these products, just not me.
I have tried being vegetarian a few times, I really did. Gave up quickly because was always so hungry. Well, I didn’t have a book like this. As with many things, It’s a matter of finding what works best for you and sticking with it.
So let’s try out a few of these recipes and see what’s good.
Versatile Sandwich Round, Page 31
Do you like a good English Muffin? Here you go.
Emilie says that bread is one of the first things people miss when they go to keto. She’s right–no sandwiches, which is a shame unless you have a substitute. Well, thanks to Emilie, you can make anything from an eggy breakfast sandwich to avocado toast anytime. Pretty much anything you want to put between two slices of bread will work on this little sandwich round, even bacon, egg, and cheese.

Easy and fast to make
You’ll need a little ramekin dish that’s safe to use in the microwave and just a few ingredients.

The setup
Mix up everything in the little bowl:

First the egg (I know, my hands look awful)
Almond flour:
And the rest, then mix well:
Then microwave for 90 seconds on high, or a few seconds longer as needed.
I don’t have a picture of it cooking, but this is what comes out:

See? A little English Muffin!
Flip it out onto a plate, carefully, because it is quite hot:

That’s the bottom
To make a sandwich, cut it in half lengthwise with a serrated knife:

Ready for sandwich making
You’re probably wondering what I did next. Well, it would have been avocado toast if I’d bothered to toast the round at this point. But I didn’t. I just mashed up a ripe one:

Just a little olive oil and salt to make a nice paste.
Then spread it liberally onto the halved rounds:

Like this! (The seed is saved for planting later because they do sprout.)
I didn’t bother showing this to BF, because I knew what would happen. Well, he came inside just after I finished it. He took one look at this and said, “oh, look, the cat threw up on your plate.” Thanks, Honey, I really appreciate that. Wait until you discover what *you’re* having for dinner. (Hint: it’s whatever YOU make.)
This little eggy thing is about the size of a standard English muffin. It’s useful for any manner of sandwiches you like, veg or non-veg. And if you’re missing bread at dinnertime, this is a great option, too. Cut it in half, or cut it as I did, then cut it again into quarters from the top, so you have four half-moons. Next time I’ll try to toast it too.
A few years ago I thought that Hamilton Beach’s amazing little Breakfast Sandwich Maker was the most wonderful thing ever. It makes breakfast sandwiches in five minutes or so, and you don’t have to leave your house! No drive-through window nonsense, either. Made correctly, you could use the Versatile Bread Round to make yourself a keto–and even non-vegetarian–breakfast quickly.
Emilie also offers a sweet version, but I haven’t tried it yet.
Turmeric & Avocado Egg Salad, Page 87
Ok, I’m going to issue a warning right up front: this dish is delicious, but it has a very strong tart taste. Like I wouldn’t even try it with BF. I’m not saying it’s bad, because it isn’t–this is a flavorful recipe. But the next time I may cut the lime and capers in half because I couldn’t eat it too fast. It opened up my sinuses, too. It’s that strong.

It’s a different take on egg salad.
The Setup:

Except I think I forgot cilantro, which can be hard to find here sometimes.
Although Emilie tells you how to boil eggs, you know what I used:

And why not? Because you can plug it into the generator, too.
Once they were ready, I got started scooping out the avocado:

I could eat this with a pinch of sea salt, and often have.
Mash it up in a bowl:

A good, soft avocado is easy, just like mashing a ripe banana.
Now add in the rest:

Lime zest
Then the juice of the lime:

Love this squeezer tool, but I will be replacing it soon.

I made this mayo myself from an original Suzanne Somers recipe in her first cookbook.
Then the capers:

These are VERY strongly flavored–so it’s a no for BF.
Drop them in with the minced up onion:

Drop that right in
Then the turmeric

For flavor and color
Then Pepper:

That’s everything.
Then take care of the eggs and add them in:

I’ve broken that egg slicer and have had to replace it.
Stir it all up:

Make sure it’s all mixed well.

There it is.
This recipe actually made two servings:

One for today, one for tomorrow, none for BF.
But I haven’t made this pucker-your-lips recipe since! For someone who is totally vegetarian, though, it might be OK. I’ve read that vegetarians have a higher tolerance for spicier foods, and this definitely fits that bill.
Open-Faced Pizza Omelette, Page 60
Who among us has never had leftover pizza for breakfast? Well, OK, maybe you, Aunt Kathy, but even you can love this one.
Yes, Dear Readers, I actually have had pizza for breakfast. Twelve years ago, in the middle of June, while I was working for Boeing, I got really, really sick with some kind of bug that was going around–fever, chills, coughing, the whole horrible bit. I was told by coworkers and colleagues that it was “something the Shuttle people brought back from Russia,” and I was one of the last people who became ill. Camped out on the futon, I watched a lot of TV under a wool blanket with two big, hairy cats (weight total: 40 pounds) on top. In June, of course. I didn’t want to make anyone else ill.
For about two weeks, I had pizza delivered a couple of times, because I was just too sick to cook for myself. It was also when I discovered Pea & Pesto Soup. I started making the delicious soup after I quickly got sick of delivered pizza and Taco Cabana takeout. I’d been growing basil, so the pesto took a few minutes of prep.
Fast-forward twelve years, and now pizza for breakfast is a) keto, b) vegetarian, c) easy, and d) tasty. And, really, you can have it anytime you want a delicious pizza thing. What kind of crust, you ask? Eggs!
Keto Pizza
So, this dish isn’t too far away from a normal omelet. Somehow I didn’t get a shot of the ingredients, but this is the recipe with the list:

Pretty standard stuff
And because I made my own pizza sauce:

Easy to make and tastes fantastic.
It really did taste like a well-made pizza. I’ve used this sauce on Caulipower pizza crusts, and it works great.
First, make the base by melting the butter over medium low heat.

Doesn’t take but a minute
In case you’re wondering why there’s salt in there, I’ll explain. Emilie’s recipes call for salted butter, which I never have in the fridge. So I toss in a touch of kosher salt to hopefully make up for it.
And, this little cast-iron pan is just the right size. Bought two of these as well as two small covered cast-iron cocottes at Bed Bath and Beyond a couple of years ago, thinking I could make a quick dinner with them in the countertop oven. Well, I’ve used them, just not as much as I thought.
Meantime, mix up the two eggs, a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese, a quarter-teaspoon of Italian seasoning, pepper, and salt.

For this purpose, the mixing cup works better.
Pour this egg mixture into the little pan:

Now do you see why the mixing cup works for this?
Let it cook (no stirring) for a couple of minutes:

That small pan is just right!
Cover it and let it cook another 3 or 4 minutes:

Lucky me, I have this old Cranberry Corning lid that sort of fits.
Once it’s cooked, take the cover off and add the pizza (or marinara) sauce, other toppings, and of course, the cheese:

Right on top–a quarter cup of mozzarella cheese, and the second tablespoon of Parm.
Cook on the stove for another minute. Next, turn on the broiler, which in this case is in the countertop oven, and put the pan on the bottom rack:

Almost ready!
Shut the door for a minute or two:

Breakfast is ready!
Your Pizza Omelet is ready. And what’s better for a delicious lunch or even dinner than a dessert from Emilie’s first book, some Blackberry Cobbler?

It doesn’t get any better–or keto–than this!
BF would not touch it, despite his enjoyment of bacon or sausage and eggs for breakfast and pizza when he wants to eat his way. Well, I enjoyed it, anyway. And for the record, he does like the keto blackberry cobbler, too.
Dark Chocolate-Macadamia Clusters, page 126
What would any cookbook be without dessert? Again, Emilie doesn’t disappoint with a chapter called Sweets & Treats, including 11 dessert recipes. One even has grilled peaches!
For me, though, I wanted chocolate.

Not too many ingredients, either
True to her word, Emilie’s ingredient list isn’t difficult to acquire.

The Setup
For most recipes, I am generally limited by what I can find at Walmart and Winn-Dixie. I only get to Rouses occasionally, so when I want to get something I can’t find locally, I buy extra and stash it in the pantry or freezer. Fortunately, I could get everything at Walmart.
Lucky for us, sugar-free chocolate chips are available here, and I’ve been buying them ever since. Walmart carries other varieties, like this newcomer to the candy game.

More sugar-free chocolate.
Unfortunately, I tried some of these and didn’t care for them. Well, they were clearance-marked pumpkin spice, but I wasn’t impressed. So I’ve passed on these for the Hershey’s, and because the Hershey’s bag is bigger.
Melt 1.5 cups in the microwave:

Just like that, but keep an eye on it.
Stop it and stir every 20 seconds. It should take 1 minute, 20 seconds to complete, but stir it until it’s completely melted and mixed with the oil. Then add in the half-teaspoon of vanilla.

All nice and smooth.
Add in 1.5 cups of roasted and salted macadamia nuts:

I was very surprised to find these locally.
Drop them right in and mix:

Maybe I should have chopped them a little first
Once they’re all coated in chocolate, start dropping them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Almost there
Until you’ve finished:

At this point, you’re supposed to sprinkle a touch of flaked sea salt on top of each one. Of course, I forgot. And I have a nearly-full box of Maldon’s Sea Salt, too.
Now stash them in the fridge for 15 to 20 minutes, and they’re ready to eat:

The other mistake is not realizing that these macadamia nuts were raw. I should have put them into the little oven for a few minutes and then maybe salted them. I don’t normally keep macadamia nuts around, and because I didn’t care for these, I’m inclined to avoid them. On the other hand, I might check Winn-Dixie or Rouse’s to see if they have them roasted, then try this recipe again. Because, chocolate.
Store these in the fridge in an airtight container, nibble at will. Just not all at once.
Frozen Hot Chocolate, Page 129
This was actually the first recipe I tried in the book. There’s a reason for that. Besides, it was hot out, and it was just after Hurricane Ida, in the days after we had power restored.
A few weeks prior at Rouses, I saw a can of coconut milk. I bought it, because I keep seeing it in recipes but can’t remember which one. Well, darn it, that can came home with us, and I soon found a use for it.

Don’t be intimidated by the ingredient list.
I keep almond milk around for several reasons, including running out of milk for coffee. Intrigued by the name, I grabbed my little blender.

I like having one around for small jobs, smoothie or not.
I won’t question Emilie’s naming convention, but technically it’s not “hot chocolate.” It is, however, a pretty tasty concoction. More like a dairy-free chocolate shake. Who wouldn’t like that?
I’ll admit the ingredients are not what you’d think of in a standard chocolate shake:

The Setup
Note: after I took this picture, swapped out the Mexican vanilla for a different one that was actually sugar-free.

This kind, I’ve bought since I lived in Houston.
You’re probably thinking, “Amy, why is there an avocado there?” Sometimes there are ingredients in my blog pictures that are for another recipe, or just happen to be caught on camera. But this time, it is part of the recipe. Now you’re thinking, “enough with the avocado!” They’re not in *every* recipe, I promise.
I also made it when BF wasn’t around, and he only saw the finished product.
So you add the ingredients into the little blender:
Including THAT:

Yes, the magic ingredient is a tablespoon of avocado
Blend it well:

Pulsing rather than holding the button works best
I know you see the little green bits at the top. Just scrape down the sides with a spatula and keep blending. Then add your ice cubes:

Makes it nice and cold, perfect on a hot day
Blitz again, and it’s ready:

It does taste a bit different, and the coconut milk is subtle but present.
I did ask BF to try it in a sweet tone of voice. I cornered him on the sofa, where he was looking at yet another Big Foot video on YouTube, and asked him to PLLEEEEZZZE try a little sip. Reluctantly (and with a funny look on his face), he took the tiniest of sips. “It’s missing something,” he declared. And he felt like it wasn’t sweet enough.
I’ll agree, I felt like it needed to be a bit sweeter, but that’s OK, too:

The secret weapon!
It wasn’t until the next day that I informed him it contained a tablespoon of avocado. You actually can’t taste the avocado, even if you know it’s there. Mostly, I think, it’s for adding viscosity and healthy fat. Then he made a face and pretended to get upset at me. But that’s all in the fun of helping him try new things.
Occasionally, he likes something that he thinks he won’t (especially if I don’t tell him what’s in it.) For a recipe that works, I write in the cookbook, Winner! Make Again! That’s legally gathered evidence of his approval for future repeats, just in case.
There Is Tofu
Yes, there are several recipes for both tofu and turnips here, but not many. I’m allergic to raw soy, so I’m quick to avoid it. I’m sure they’re delicious in their own way–and I could make them with substitute ingredients, like meat. In fact, I might actually do that one day.
For instance: page 120’s Tofu-Stuffed Peppers With Feta could be converted by swapping out the 14-ounce package of extra firm tofu with, say, a pound of ground chicken or turkey. The two peppers are cut in half and laid on the side, used to hold the filling. Mix and bake as you would for the tofu, 25 minutes.
On page 84 is a Mushroom-Tofu Lettuce Wrap with Peanut Sauce, which might also be good with ground turkey or chicken in place of the tofu. The peanut sauce with soy/tamari, rice wine vinegar, sriracha, fresh ginger, and peanut butter sounds interesting. Wrapped in lettuce with some grilled chicken strips might be a nice summer lunch, too.
Think about it: in the same way one would use tofu in place of meat in a dish, the opposite is also true. So there’s no saying I won’t try a tofu-based recipe by swapping out the tofu. I just won’t make them when BF is home.
About Organic
Also found when buying ingredients for the Chocolate Macadamia Clusters were two items not normally found in Walmart:

Can you believe it?
The peanut butter is organic, but the almond butter isn’t. And the almond butter has no salt or sugar, which is unusual for anything you find at Walmart.
When you think “organic,” chances are the first thing you think of is “Whole Foods.” You’d be right–both Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have a variety of organic foods, as does HEB and its upscale Central Market. In fact, on our last trip to TJ’s in December, we found some organic hot chocolate (in packets) for BF to enjoy. Whole Foods also has some organic hot chocolate in a can, with 22 grams of sugar in every serving. So understand that “organic” doesn’t always equate to healthy.
What It Means
Calling a product “organic” is more than just a name. The USDA has specific guidelines for the production of organic food, so it’s not just a term like “natural” or “healthy.” There is also a certification process that food producers must follow in order to have the seal on their labels.
I prefer to buy organic whenever I can, but I don’t do it all the time. For one thing, organic is more expensive because of the more intensive farming and processing practices involved, including the certification. Another is that not everything organic is necessarily better. Strawberries, yes, but bananas, not so much since you peel them to eat them (unless they’re marked down to sell fast–then you buy them and make banana bread!)
The FDA has a series of blogs called Organic 101:
- Part One discusses what’s not allowed in organic farming
- Part Two discusses substances that are and are not allowed inorganic farming
- Part Three explains what the organic label means
Of course, no matter what, reading labels is essential for eating as healthy as you can.
Good Food No Matter Your Persuasion
Despite the “hippie” or “millennial” image that many people have of vegetarians, people from many walks of live became vegetarians for whatever reason. Miss Alice’s reason was practical and not as much of a choice as a decision, if that makes any sense. (As of late, she’s fallen back on the carnivore wagon, but she’s healing from injuries, too.) Others make a conscious choice to avoid animal products, or just find avoiding meat less expensive. Again, everyone has a unique reason for going vegetarian.
For those of us who stay on the carnivore bandwagon, Emilie’s vegetarian keto book offers a range of recipes we might not think of otherwise. I see it as a supplement to her last two great keto books. It’s also an expansion of delicious keto recipes that I can enjoy and have in my pocket if someone drops by and says, “oh, I’m a vegetarian.” Mind you, the likelihood of that happening here in the middle of rural Louisiana is a bit low, but I like to be somewhat prepared for the remote possibility.
Another good reason to have this book: you’re out of meat, or you’re tired of the same old thing. Isn’t that reason enough?
Many thanks to Emilie and her publisher for sending me a copy and letting me preview the book, too.
Until Next Time
If you’re going keto, thinking about going vegetarian, or just want some new and different tasty dishes, Vegetarian Keto In 30 Minutes has 90 recipes that will keep you in tasty, healthy food that’s fast and easy to prepare all year long.
In the next blog, I have a non-keto, non-vegetarian recipe that involves one of Emilie’s occasional sponsors. However delicious, mine will not be a sponsored post.
Happy Dining!